Growth Hormone Excess and Physiology Flashcards
GH acts on the liver to make ___
indirect and direct effects of growth hormon
indirect; IGF-1 stimulant is an anabolic agent. Protein. muscle, cartiglarge, and bone growth
direct: metabolic; lipolysis, carbohydrate issues causing hypoerglycermia, hyperinsulinism, ketogeneiss, sodium and water retension.

growth hormone is antagonistic to ___ and synergistic with ___
antagonistic to insulin
synergistic with cortisol
factors that stimulate GH secretion
fasting, deep ssleep, hypoglycemia, amino acids
how does IGF1 affect GH secretioin
suppresses it, acts as a negative feedback loop
factors that suppres GH secretion
IGF-1, hypothyroid, obesity, hyperglycemia

Serum IGF-1 can be measured at any time to detect GH
Suppression test to diagnose GH ___
Stimulation test to diagnose GH ___
Serum IGF-1 can be measured at any time to detect GH
Suppression test to diagnose GH hypersecretion
Stimulation test to diagnose GH hyposecretion

most causes of acromegaly is due to ___
GH secretign pituitary adenoma
the main outcome of acromegaly is generally the expansion. and proliferation of tissue. what results in their height? what about their facial features
pre-pubertal onset results in gigantism because growth plate remains open
- in acromegaly, yhou can have large nose, large lips, increased supraorbital ridges.

what measurement of the hand can lead you to diagnosing excessive growth hormone?
measuring the thickness of skin at the back of the hand. if more than 3mm, might be due to excessive growth hormoe/acromegaly

CV invovlvement of acromegaly
cardiomegaly (LVH), hypertension, ischemic disease, cardiomyopathy
T/F to diagnose acromeglay, we should measure random serum growth hormone for diagnis. If it is high, we know that GH is excessive.
false. GH has episodic secretion to behin with. too variable in normals and acromegalics to dfiferentiate between normal from abnormal. to diagnose acromegaly, we need to SUPRESS (glucose) to diagnose hypersection
what results of an OGTT would indicate acromegaly (excessive GH)
GH gets stimulated in response to hypoglycemia, and suppresses in response to hyperglycemia. DUring times of hypoglycemia (or hyperinsulinemia), the levels will rise to increase glucose.
when glucose is administered, the GH should reduce. If there is too much glc in the system but GH is still high, this would indicate hypersecretion

in addition to the OGTT for acromegaly, what other test is key for acromegaly Dx?
serum IGF-1. if too high, would indicate a hypersecretion. Also can do an IGF1 supreession test. failure to suppress GH = autonomous secretion of GH

how does somatostatin affect GH
it blocks GH.

therapies for a GH-secreting tumor
surgery, radiotherapy, somatostatin analgogue, or a GH receptor blocker

T/F we should treat acromegaly in all cases
ture. treatment improves morbidity and mortality. recall that acromegaly is not just being tall, it can cause CVD, sleep apnea, obesity.

side effects to somatostatin analoques
recall that somatostatin inhibits GH release in the pituitary, but it also acts on the GI system (ex/ octreotide for varices). therefore, can get GI issues like diarrhea, nausea.
also can cause hypoglycmeia