Neonatology Flashcards
Bicarbonate in a 50 Kg calf, recumbent, 21 days old.
5 Lt bicarb 1.3%
Goal for Na replacement in a foal if the value is 88
Type of fluids for a calf with hyponatremia, hyperchloremia and dehydration.
Isotonic NaHCO3?
Possible effect of anti-ulcer medication in foal?
Calves born with bragnathia, shortened long bones, dome forehead, lax tendons
Acorn calf syndrome
Lupine, alkaloids –> crooked calf syndrome?
Toxin in silage? Mn or Zn deficiency?
Blepharospasm and hypopion in a septic foal
Minimum amount of IgG for adequate transfer in a calf in the first 4 hrs
150-200 g (at least 100g)
IgG IV vs oral in calf
Metabolized within 12 hours
Concentration of Na in oral fluids of a calf
90 mEq
Floppy kid syndrome
Metabolic acidosis (mostly D-lactate)
Rotavirus in foals, what type?
Type A
Vaccine for E. coli in calves
Anti F5 (k99) colostral antibodies to dam Heat stable toxin?
Vaccine for E. coli in calves
Heat stable toxin
Main immunoglobulin in colostrum
What is the most rapid treatment for a calf with acidosis?
8.4% bicarb solution
What is the cause of acidosis in calves with diarrhea?
High D-lactic acid
Best direct method to analyze failure of passive transfer
Single radial immunodiffusion (RID): quantitative and specific for IgG (expensive and slow 18-24h) –> Gold standard
amount of IgG in colostrum for adequate passive transfer in calves
> 50 g/L
About colostrum and IgG concentration
As soon as is collected has higher IgG
The sooner the least changes that IgG go back to circulation again
About colostrum
collect first colostrum, and not discard colostrum from first calving heifers
3rd lactation significantly higher IgG / No diff btw 1st, 2nd and 4th –> should not discharge colostrum of 1st lactation heifers
What is the vaccination protocol for prevention of rotavirus?
Vaccinate mare at 8, 9, and 10 months of gestation (3 doses).
Does not prevent but decrease severity
Which is the best diagnostic for equine coronavirus?
Enzyme immunoassays → detect Ag in feces (rapid and accurate)
Which infectious agents are more likely to cause secondary lactose intolerance in foals?
C. difficile
What are the effects of C. perfringens type A in calves?
Acute hemorrhagic abomasitis in neonates
Enterotoxemia in 2-4 month calves
Protocol to vaccinate cows to prevent rotavirus
40 days before calving
Gold standard diagnostic for Cryptosporidium parvum in calves
Fluorescein-labelled monoclonal antibody
Latex agglutination for Ab*
There is an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in humans, where C. hominis has been isolated, which is the source of contamination?
Life cycle of Cryptosporidium parvum
Fecal-oral transmission of encysted, sporulated oocysts → distal small* and large intestine → villous atrophy
Amount of IgG for good quality colostrum
2500-5000mg/dl IgG(50 g/L)
In a foal to achieve > 800 mg/dL of IgG, how much IgG needs to be in the colostrum?
1.5g IgG/kg BW
~1-3L colostrum with SG>1.060