Gastrointestinal Flashcards
Effects of stalling in horses
Decrease fecal output
Which animal is the amplifying reservoir for blue tongue virus?
I which cells do BTV replicates?
- Endothelial cells
- Mononuclear phagocytic cells –> Macrophages
E.TEC toxin is a:
Heat ST toxin A
Downside of ELISA for antibody detection for PHF
- Failure to seroconvert does not rule out infection
- Frequent false +
Asymptomatic esophageal diverticula
Traction (true)
Dilation with broad neck
Effect of C. perfringens type A in neonatal calves
Ruminal and abomasal timpany, abomasitis, abomasal ulceration
Jejunal hemorrhage syndrome, causative agent
C. perfringens Type A, a-toxin
Which are the 3 types of infection produced by BVDV
- Acute transient 2. Fetal infection 3. Persistent infected
Bilateral keratitis in cow, lymphadenopathy, after show
Source of infection in Lawsonia?
Not determined in horses
Clinical pathology findings in case of MEED
Duration of quarantine of equine coronavirus
? 21?
Pulpy kidney (overeating disease)
Cl Perfingens type D –> pronounced hyperglycemia (glucosuria) –> necropsy: vasculitis (excess pericardial and thoracic fluid), rapid autolysis kidney
Current standard for diagnosis of PHF
PCR in whole blood (DNA in leukocytes)
Parameters for poor short-term prognosis in cases of abomasal volvulus
Serum Cl <79mEq/L Base excess < -0.1 Anion gap >30mEq/L
Diarrhea in 5 month old cattle, just weaned
Secondary abomasal impaction
feeding of coarse roughage
Which serovar of BVDV produces PI animals
Non-cytopathic (NCP)
Type of BVDV causing severe acute and hemorrhagic disease
Type 2 NCP
Life cycle of Cryptosporidium parvum
Fecal-oral transmission of encysted, sporulated oocysts → distal small and large intestine → villous atrophy
Prevention of acorn toxicosis
Calcium hydroxide (Hydrated lime)
Potomac horse fever, infection
Horse eats aquatic insects
Diagnosis for acorn toxicosis
Serum or urinary phenolic content (Hydrolyzed tannin: gallic acid)
Receptor for LPS?
White eye calf
BTV infection in cattle
When is the infection of cows with BVDV to induce PI calves?
Infection prior day 125 of gestation (80) ○ Immunotolerant ○ Principal reservoir
How to confirm a LDA?
pH <4.5 by percutaneous aspiration Ultrasound → position of pylorus
Prevention for pulpy kidney disease
Vaccinate twice before arrival to the feedlot Type D antitoxin Adjust diet
Diagnostic test for MCF in animals with clinical disease
PCR Serology better for asymptomatic and reservoirs
Causes of alkaline rumen
High protein or NPN in diet Urea toxicity Poor digestable roughage, simple indigestion
Clinical signs of Johne’s in alpaca and sheep
Chronic weight loss and anemia
Cells involved in the pathogenesis of MCF
Lymphocytes (T lymphocytes CD8+) Lymphoproliferative disease
Mare with suspected stomach ulcer, dx test at farm
Sucrose absorption test
Types of vagal indigestion
- Failure of omasal transport 2. Pyloric outflow failure
Neorickettsia risticii, transmission
trematode –snail
Crypto and salmonella pathogenesis
May be exacerbated by antibiotic therapy
Johne’s pathophysiology
M cells
Black disease necropsy
C. Novyi type B –> Engorgement of SQ vessels and variable amount of SQ edema and gelatinous exudate in fascial planes. Blood stained serous fluid in large amounts in pericardial, pleural and peritoneal cavities.
Increase risk for salmonella
Antibiotic treatment and colic
Foal 21 days febrile, icteric mucous membranes and with high liver enzymes
Clostridium pilosum
Consistent necropsy finding in cases of DPJ
Horse with lesion in skin, also chronic weight loss
Type of rotavirus in foals
Group A
Cause of abomasal ulcers in calves
Cu deficiency
Vector and intermediate host por N. risticii
- Vector: Trematode
- Intermediate host: aquatic insects, operculated snails
Main clinical pathoogy finding in lawsonia cases
Albumin → < 2 g/dl
Risk factor for pulpy kidney disease in sheep
Animals fed highly nutritious diet (grain-fed livestock)
Best diagnostic test for L. intracellularis
Combine both serology and fecal PCR
Best to diagnose PI in BVDV
IHC skin
Causative agent of yellow lamb disease
C. perfringens Type A
Abortions, oral lesions, ptyalism in sheep
Blood smear for Neorickettsia
Rarely find intracytoplasm granules in monocytes
Why are neonates predisposed to necrotic enteritis due to C. perfringens type C?
Trypsin inhibitors in colostrum Trypsin → proteolytic enzyme that can destroy beta-toxin
Treatment of choice for PHF
Horses do not remain carriers of N. risticii
Papple abdominal contour, rumen chloride 60
Pyloric outflow obstruction
Cryptosporidium hominis?
Ocular lesion in cattle with MCF
Uveitis, conjunctivitis, corneal opacity → centripetal
Causative agent of winter dysentery
Bovine coronavirus
Horse with peritonitis, response to penicillin. Most probable organism cultured?
Actinobacillus equuli: Gram neg rod (rapid response to atb pen/gent)
Necropsy diagnosis for L. intracellularis
Silver staining with Warthin Starry stain → bacilli in the apical zone of the crypt epithelial cells
Target cell of M. avium subs paratuberculosis
Macrophages Facultative intracellular bacteria
Best test to detect animals in the eclipse phase of MAP
Intradermal Johnin test (Immune based) Blood, detects IFN-g Unreliable
Causative agent of equine enterotoxemia
C. perfringens Type A
Reservoirs for MCF
Domestic and wild sheep and goats are asymptomatic reservoirs
Test with 90% Se on Johne’s disease in animal with clinical signs
ELISA Se: subclinical “low shedders” → 15% Clinical “heavy shedders” → 90%
How can you produce a OvHV-2 free sheep
Separate lambs from adults ar 2 months of age
Mule with clinical signs of dysautonomia, what diagnostic test would have to be performed
Intestinal biopsy (decrease of Cajal cells)
VFA 80% E dairy cow
A: P : B –> 70:20:10 if high fiber diet and 60:30:10 if high starch diet
Causative agent of lamb dysentery
C. perfringens Type B, b-toxin
Options to diagnose MAP in cows with clinical signs
C. difficile toxins
A: Secretory and cytotoxic effects → Activates inflammatory cells → release proinflammatory cytokines and vasoactive mediators → Induction of substance P (neurotransmissor) ▪ Dependence on substance P for expression of pathologic effects B: Enterotoxygenic (secretory), and cytotoxic → unknown role in animals
What is the best to prevent rotaviral diarrhea in edemic farms?
Vaccine for pregnant mares (3 doses: 8, 9 and 10 months gest)→ ↓clinical signs, mild form (not prevent)
Secretory diarrhea in 14 day old calf
Rotavirus? Cryptosporidium?
C. perfringens toxins
• Types → A and C ○ A → most frequent → enterotoxin Foals <10d (Type C: alpha and beta) Exotoxin Effect Alpha* Phospholipase Beta-2 Necrotizing cytotoxic Epsilon Iota Theta Hemolytic
Best sample for diagnosis of Peste des Petit Ruminants in life goats
Lymph node biopsy after day 3
Cow with sx of HBS relation
most common in high producing cows during first weeks of lactation
Pathogenesis of PHF
- Ingestion of aquatic insect containing metacercariae or cercariae from environment
- Replicates in colon epithelial cells, tissue macrophages, mast cells and blood monocytes
Prevention of phalaris staggers
Cobalt, but not effective as treatment
Which bacteria is increased in cases of grain overload in ruminants?
Strep. bovis, ↑ lactic acid as end product
Correlation of glucose with septic peritonitis
Serum-to-PF glucose conc difference > 50 g/dl → septic peritonitis
Glucose <30 mg/dL
How does salmonella reaches the intestinal mucosa?
Through invasion of M cells (intestinal lymphoid tissue)
Salmonella dublin
Eliminated in milk and colostrum and high risk of infection of calves
Gold standard diagnosis of clostridial diarrhea
Cell cytotoxic assay*
Immunoassay: ELISA –> reliable and rapid
Which cell salmonella uses for dissemination?
Which are the sites of replication for Bluetongue virus?
endothelium and mononuclear phagocytic cells (macrophages)
PG that is gastroprotectant
Best test in camelids for MAP infection
Fecal PCR Serology not useful
Which cells are target for N. risticii?
- Monocytes/Macrophages
- Colonic and small intestinal epithelial cells
- Colon mast cells
Parasites in alpacas
See article
How is the development of acute mucosal disease in BVDV?
PI is infected with a CP strain that is a mutation from the NCP (homologous)
Localization of MAP in the intestine
M cells in the epithelium of the ileum and then overlies Peyer’s patches
Sensitivity of salmonella fecal culture with 5 collections
Site of infection of Lawsonia intracellularis
Proliferative crypt cells in the ileum → ↑ mitotic division → hyperplasia
Foal 7 months, losing weight, ventral edema, hypoalbuminemia, fibrinogen high, leukocytosis. What do you expect to find in the biopsy or necropsy?
Proliferative enteritis
Lawsonia causes
Increased mitosis in ileum crypt cells, Hyperplasia
What is the effect of sucralfate in cases of esophagitis?
Uncertain efficacy since needs a low pH to attach to the ulcers
Which drug can be used to enhance gastric emptying in foals with ulcerative duodenitis?
Sheep with firm mass in the low right abdomen, pear shaped
Emptying defect of Suffolk sheep
Cause of dummy lamb syndrome
MLV vaccine for BTV to pregnant ewes
What are the 4 syndromes of gastric ulceration in foals?
Subclinical, clinical, perforating, pyloric stricture
Which disease can be prevented by use of a serum derived colostrum replacer?
Lesion of lawsonia
Adenomatosis of the ileum (hyperplasia)
TP/WBC in DPJ vs strangulation
DPJ: Disprop↑PT/normal WBC (no leukotactic stim)
Strangulation: WBC/TP >3
Congenital cataracts in a calf
XR, US caval syndrome related:
Chronic ruminal acidosis
Horse with ulcerative coronitis, hypoproteinemia, weight loss and anemia
Mechanism of frothy bloat
Touch neuroreceptors at cardia
Clostridium difficile in foals can be pathogenic or non-pathogenic?
Toxin A more important in pathogenesis and severity of disease; both nontoxigenic and toxigenic strains can be found
Salmonella that is potentially zoonotic
S. newport
Sites of replication of aphtovirus
Pharyngeal and digestive mucosa Alveolar epithelium of udder
With respect to frothy bloat, therapy
polaxolene effective for tx and for prevention
Site of hemorrhagic bowel syndrome
Which salmonella is host specific for cattle?
S. dublin, true carriers
In which disease you can decrease the risk by the use of colostrum replacer?
Johne’s disease (MAP)
What is internal vomiting?
Pyloric outflow failure causing reflux from the abomasun. ↑ ruminal Cl
Best test for herd screening of BVDV
RT-PCR Pooled samples > Se than virus isolation
Best test to detect PI in BVDV
Antigen detection in tissues IHC, ACE: can be done in young calves
Neoricketssia risticii best for diagnosis
PCR blood, feces
Measure to avoid infection of lambs with MCF
Separation of lambs from adults at 2 months produces OvHV-2 free sheep
Most common cause of vagal indigestion
Diagnosis of cobalt deficieny
Vit B12 concentrations in blood/liver
Difference of peritoneal fluid between DPJ and strangulation
DPJ: Yellow turbid (serosang), ↑↑PT 3.5, ↑WBC 11
Strangulation: Serosanguineous, ↑↑TP 4.5, ↑↑WBC 20-50
When is the seasonal ocurrence of Potomac Horse Fever?
May- November
Peak occurrence July-August
Best treatment for HBS in cattle
surgery and manual massage of bowel
Type III gastric impaction
Phytobezoar secondary to Persimmon ingestion
Diagnosis of cantharidin toxicity
Urine early in process about 500ml urine or 200g gastric content
- Demonstration toxin via GC-MS
Which inflammatory cytokines does Salmonella upregulate?
Sucralfate interferes with absorption of other drugs, which group is parrticularly important?
What is a PAMP?
Lipoteichoic acid TLR pathogen
Reason for high vaccine failure for PHF
Different circulating strains
Virulence factor for Bluetongue virus
VP2 caspid protein
Calves with hx of melena, dying and thrombocytopenic
BVDV type 2
Why is the vaccine for Potomac horse fever not 100% effective?
Multiple strains
Predictors for lower survival in PHF
- Electrolyte loss (Na and Cl)
- Hemoconcentration
- Prerenal azotemia
Testing for cryptosporidium
*Fluorescein-labelled, monoclonal antibody → gold standard* • Flotation + stain (ZN) • Direct immunofluorescense
Which breed of sheep is more commonly affected with BTV?
What is the gold standard diagnosis for BVDV in acute cases?
Virus isolation Mononuclear cells in buffy coat → ideal sample for individual virus isolation in acute infection
Which group of salmonella is more common in horses?
Group B
Best indicator of chronic ruminal acidosis (SARA) in dairy herds
decrease butter fat in mill tank
What change in diet can decrease the incidence of jejunal hemorrhagic syndrome
↑ long stem fiber in diet
Cause of ovine white liver disease (enzootic marasmus)
Cobalt deficiency
What is the eclipse phase in Johne’s disease?
Silent phase with no shedding and no clinical signs
What is associated with mortality in equine coronavirus
Cause of enzootic ataxia of sheep and goats, swayback
Copper deficiency, demyelinization
What is the main factor for treatment failure with omeprazole in cases of EGUS?
Location of the ulcers
Who first activate macrophages in MAP infection?
Macrophages activated by Th1 cytokines (IFN-g) are able to limit proliferation
Target organs of BTV
- Upper GI
- Skin
- Lungs
How does Orf mediates vascular permeability?
encodes prot-like mammalian vascular endothelial growth factor
Causative agent of MCF?
Domestic and wild sheep and goats are asymptomatic reservoirs
OvHV-2 infects which type of cells?
Lymphocytes T –> CD8+ mostly
Prevalence of BVDV in alpacas in the US?
25% of herds are seropositive
6% have PIs
How to decrease incidence of C. perfringens type C enteritis in foals?
Feeding of smaller amounts of grain prepartum
Antitoxin to mares and foals