Neonate lab packet Flashcards
How soon should the first physical exam be performed?
Within 24 hours of birth
When is the silverman score used?
On admission to the nursery
For movement of the upper chest compared to abdomen, what gets a 0? 1? 2?
0 = synchronous movement 1 = lag or minimal sinking of upper chest as abdomen rises 2 = Marked see-sawing of upper chest with rising abdo
For expiratory grunt, what gets a 0? 1? 2?
0 = none 1 = Audible with stethoscope only 3 = Audible without stethoscope
What are the first components of the silverman score?
- Movement of upper chest compared to abdomen
- Intercostal retractions
- Xiphoid retractions
- Flaring of nasi
- Expiratory grunt
How much bigger should the head circumference be compared to the chest for a normal infant?
1-2 cm more
What is the definition of preterm infant?
Less than 37 weeks gestation
What is the definition of late preterm infant?
34 - 36 6/7 weeks
What is the definition of a term infant?
37 - 41 6/7 days
What is the definition of a post-term infant?
What is the rooting reflex?
Cheek turn
What is Moro’s reaction?
baby fall, then should extend hands, followed by flexing
What is the scarf sign?
The infant’s arm is pulled laterally across the chest; in the hypotonic infant, the elbow will cross the midline; in a term infant with normal tone, the elbow will not reach the midline.
What is the heel to ear sign?
Holding the baby’s foot in one hand, draw the leg towards the ear to see how much resistance there is to the maneuver.
The foot should go to about the level of the chest or shoulder, but not all the way to the ear. If it does = hypotonia
What is the Landau reflex? When is this present?
It emerges 3 months after birth and lasts until up to 12 months to 24 months of age.[2]
What are the 5 physical criteria that can be used to asses for term?
- sole creases
- Diameter of breast nodule
- Scalp hair
- External ears
- Testes and scrotum/labia minora
What is a plethoric coloration? What does it suggest?
What is sclerema?
Hardening of the skin and SQ tissue associated with life threatening disorders like septicemia, shock
What is caput succedaneum? Does it cross suture lines?
Diffuse edema of the scalp due to mechanical forces during the birth process.
Crosses suture lines
What is a cephalohematoma? Does it cross suture lines?
Subperiosteal bleeding, confined to a particular area of the skull.
Does not cross suture lines
Should you ever aspirate a cephalohematoma? Why or why not?
No–risk of infection
What is the significance of subconjunctival hemorrhages after delivery?
Common, and benign