Neck osteo, myo, athro Flashcards
which cartilage lies on top the arytenoid apex
corniculate cartilage
describe the atlanto-occipital joint
C1-occipital bone
- condyloid joint
- *ligaments change names
1. ALL–>anterior atlantooccipital L.
2. PLL–> tectorial membrane
3. LF–> posterior atlantooccipital L.
which muscles stretches and tenses the vocal fold
cricothryoid M. innervated by external laryngeal N.
what nerves innervates most of the infra hyoid muscles
ansa cervicalis
(expect for thryohyoid M. by C1 via hypoglossal N.
*sternohyoid, sternothryoid, thryohyoid, and omohyoid
what are the 2 pharyngeal ligaments
- stylohyoid L. (styloid process of temporal bone to lessor horn of hyoid bone)
- pterygomandibular raphe (sphenoid L. to mandible)
what ligament holds the critical cartilage
lateral thyrohyoid ligament (connect the superior horn of the thyroid cartilage to the greater horn of the hyoid bone)
in regards to spreading of infection (relative to fascia of neck) where will it go if it is between the investing layer and muscular pretracheal layer of deep cervical fascia (in investing) ? between investing layer and visceral pretracheal (in pretracheal) ? in retrophrangyal space?
- stops of manubrium
- spread to anterior thorax-mediastinum
- swelling will affect swallowing and speech and spread to thorax (inferior to mediastinum)
what passes through the transverse foramen of at the Atlas (C1)
vertebral A.
what nerve innervates most of the laryngeal muscles
recurrent laryngeal N.
except for cricothyroid M. gets external laryngeal N.
what laryngeal cartilage is in the quandragular space
cuneiform cartilage
contents of the submandibular and submittal triangles
submandibular: submandibular gland, hypoglossal N. , nerve to mylohyoid M. and parts of facial A.
submental: submental A. / LNs/ V.
what boney part of the skull articulates with the atlas
occipital condyle
describe the subdivided divisions of the posterior triangle
the inferior belly of the omohyoid M. divides it into:
- occipital triangle (superior)
- external jugular vein, posterior branches of cervical plexus, and transverse cervical A. [ P E T] - supraclavicular triangle (inferior)
- 3rd part subclavian A. and suprascapular A. ( S S )
describe the atlanto-axial joint
- compound synovial (trochoid pivot and planar)
- cruciate L. (superior longitudinal band, inferior longitudinal band, transverse L. of the atlas)
- Alar L. (dens to lateral margin of foramen magnum)
- apical L. (apex of dens to middle foramen magnum)
what are the 8 bones of the skull
- temporal bone (2)
- occipital bone
- parietal bone (2)
- sphenoid bone
- frontal bone
- ethmoid
which cartilage is a full ring around the larynx
cricoid cartilage
what is the fascia of the neck
- superficial cervical fascia (fatty layer)
- deep cervical fascia
- investing layer (wraps everything; superficial to other layers)
- pretracheal layer (wraps trachea, esophagus, infra hyoid muscles, and thyroid gland)
- prevertebral layer ( surrounds vertebral column, ligaments, and muscles)
the supraspinpous L. becomes wait as it runs cephalad
the nuchal L.
what is the retropharngeal space and why is it important
behind pharynx and between the prevertebral and pretracheal fascia layers
-it is the danger spot for infections to spread into the thorax and swelling will affect swallowing and speech
what is wrapped in the carotid sheath of neck fascia
- common carotid
- internal jugular v.
- vagus nerve
border and contents of the anterior triangle
borders: median line of neck, SCM, mandible
contents: 4 triangles (1/2 above hyoid, 3/4 below hyoid)
1. submandibular (split by anterior belly of digastric)
2. submental
- carotid (split by superior belly of omohyoid M. )
- muscular
what causes fractures of the hyoid bone? and what are the symptoms associated with a fracture?
usually from strangulation (compression of the throat)
- -causes depression of hyoid bone onto the thyroid cartilage
- symptoms: difficulty swallowing, maintaining separation of alimentary canal and respiratory tract
anterior / middle/posterior scalene details
anterior and middle
- from C-spine too 1st rib
- elevates 1st rib, laterally neck flexion (anterior flexes and rotates away)
- cpsine -> 2 rib
- elevates 2nd rib and laterally flexes neck
*nerves are:
5-7 cervical spinal nerves
muscular contents of anterior triangle
mylohyoid M. , geniohyoid M. , digastric M, stylohyoid M., sternohyoid M. sternothyroid M. thryohoid M. superior belly of omohyoid M.
contents of muscular and carotid triangle
muscular: thyroid gland, parathryroid gland
carotid: common carotid A. , Internal jugular V, vagus N. hypoglossal N. spinal accessory N, thyroid gland, larynx, pharynx, cervical plexus branches, ansa cervicalis superior root
which cartilage is a incomplete ring around? and what are some of its features?
thyroid cartilage
- superior horn (joins the greater horn of hyoid bone by the lateral thryohoid L.)
- inferior horn ( articulates with cricoid lamina)
- lamina ( with tubercles, notch, oblique line, and laryngeal prominence which is the adams’s apple) protects larynx
what are the 3 ligaments associated with the cricothyroid joint
- median cricothryoid L .
- cricothyroid articular capsule(inferior horn of thyroid to superior cricoid)
- lateral cricothyroid L. (in conus elasticus)
what are the 2 parts of the cricoid cartilage
arch and lamina
(arch is anterior and narrower)
(lamina is posterior and wider)
what are the 3 ligaments associated with the thyrohyoid joint
- mediam thyrohyoid L.
- lateral thyrohyoid L.
- thyrohyoid membrane
pharyngeal muscles
- superior, middle, inferior pharyngeal contractor Ms.
- palatophayrngeus M.
- salphingopharngeus M. (from eustachian tube)
- stylopharyngeus M.
sternocleidomastoid M. details
O: manuburium and clavicle.
I: mastoid process and lateral nuchal line
A: lateral flex neck, rotate neck away
N. spinal accessory N. (cranial nerves 11)
what are the 2 ligaments of the epiglottic joint
superiorly: b/t epiglottis and hyoid bone
inferiorly: b/t epiglottic stem and thyroid cartilage
- hypoepiglottic L. (bends for swallowing)
- thryoepiglottic L. (lends most stability to keep it in place)
how does a laryngeal cartilage fracture happen? and what are the symptoms?
- from anterior blow to neck (sports or compression by seat beat in MVA)
- causes submucosal hemorrhage and edema (swelling), respiratory obstruction, hoarseness, or worst case is inability to speak
- **different from hyoid fracture bc no impairment of of food and air separation
what are the boundaries of the posterior triangle and what are the contents
boundaries: SCM, trapezius M. , clavicle
contents: levator scapulae M. , A/M/P scalene Ms. , inferior belly of omohyoid M. , and splenius capitus M.
Nerves: supraclavicular Nerves, spinal accessory N., great Auricular N. , lesser occipital N. ( S S A L )
**L O S S - LASS the - PET
what are the parts of the arytenoid cartilage
apex articular surface (with cricoid C.) muscular process (for attachment) vocal process ( ligament attachment to make the vocal folds)
what are the two parts of the fibroelastic laryngeal membrane ? and what does it hold together?
- holds together the laryngeal cartilages
1. quadrangular membrane (holds cuneiform) - runs between epiglottis and arytenoid
2. conus elasticus (between cricoid and arytenoid and thyroid) - made up of lateral cricothryroid L. and Vocal L. (vocal process to thyroid)
what two laryngeal cartilages are important for speaking
mainly the arytenoid cartilage
which articulates with the cricoid cartilage
supra hyoid muscles
mylohyoid, geniohypoid, stylohyoid, and digastric M.
what is congenital torticollis ? and spasmodic torticollis?
congenital - born with disorder of fibrous tissue tumor in SCM which causes head to look away from the affected side. and a hematoma can from and compress spinal accessory N. and denervate the SCM
spasmodic- adult onset which involves abnormal tonicity of the cervical muscles usually the SCM and trapezius ( causes spasm rotation of neck in ways that show affected muscle )
what type of cartilage is the laryngeal cartilages made off
most are hyaline expect for
-epiglottic (makes a stalk at the bottom; lies posteriorly)
the SCM is wrapped in what fascia
the investing layer or deep cervical fascia
which ligament becomes the vocal cord (vocal folds)
the vocal L. is main one
zones of penetrating neck trauma
-divided by angle of mandible and cricoid cartilages
zone 1: clavicle to cricoid C.
-great vessels, trachea, esophagus, lung apices
zone 2: cricoid C to angle of mandbile ***most common, dangerous and easy to fix
-carotid and vertebral arteries
zone 3: angle of mandible to base of skull
-salviary and parotid glands
*not all contents
when do you have a large or small rima glottidis (space between vocal L.)
large: forced inspiration
small: expiration and speaking
what muscles are involved in elevation of the mandible
-massester, temporalis, medial pterygoid.
what muscles are involved in depression of the mandible.
-lateral pterygoid, supra hyoid muscles (stylohyoid, digastric, geniohyoid, mylohyoid), infra hyoid muscles (omohyoid, sternothyroid, sternohyoid, thyrohyoid)
what muscles are involved in protrusion of the mandible
massester, lateral ptrerygoid, medial ptrerygoid
what ,muscles are involved in retraction of the mandible
massester and temporalis
what muscles are involved in lateral motion of the mandible
ipsilateral - temporalis and massester
contralateral-medial and lateral pterygoids
what is the innervation for muscles of mastication
V3 mandibular n. of CN5