Nazi Germany - Minorities Flashcards
Define aryan
Nordic or Anglo-Saxon races that the Nazis believed were racially superior
Define Einstatzgrupen
SS Units responsible for rounding up & murdering Jews in Eastern Europe
Define Eugenics
Racist pseudoscience determined to wipe away all human beings deemed ‘unfit’, preserving only those who conformed to a Nordic stereotype
Define Final Solution
The term used by the Nazis to describe the extermination of Jews from 1941
Define Genocide
The organised murder of an ethnic group i.e the Jews
Define Ghettos
- An area in a city inhabited by Jews;
- under Nazi rule they were separated from other citizens
- & forced to live in overcrowded conditions
Define social darwinsim
Belief that life is a competition and that the fittest deserve to prosper whilst the unfit deserve to be left behind
What was the Wannsee Conference
Conference held in 1942 at which the Final Solution of Jews in Europe was agreed by top Nazi figures
Describe the Nazi policy & treatment used against Political Enemies
150,000 left-wing enemies of the Nazis were imprisoned during 1933-45
Describe the Nazi policy & treatment used against Gypsies (Roma & Sinti)
- This groups were first to be murdered because of their ‘racial’ identity
- When WW1 broke out they were deported to Poland
Describe the Nazi policy & treatment used against disabled people
- The Law for the Protection of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring (1933) permitted the compulsory sterlization of those with hereditary conditions
- In 1939, Aktion T4 scheme was launched in which disabled children were murdered
Describe the Nazi policy & treatment used against asocials
- people who did not coform to Nazi social ideals e.g the homeless & alcoholics,
- were imprisoned in concentration camps
Describe the Nazi policy & treatment used against homosexuals
- 15,000 men were imprisoned in concentration camps,
- because they were viewed as resisting the Nazi desire for all Aryans to breed
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
Bullying & Spiradic Violence
January 30th 1933
- Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany,
- immediately imposes a national boycott of Jewish businesses - SA members stood outside shops urging people not to go in
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
Legal discrimination
September 15th 1935
- 2 Laws:
- The Reich Citizenship Law, saying Jews are no longer German Citizens
- The Law for the Protection of German Blood & Honour, which forbids marraige between Jews & Germans
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
Legal discrimination
July 1938
The Evian Conference, world leaders refused to accept more Jewish refugees to their countries
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
Legal discrimination
August 17th 1938
A law is passed forcing Jewish women to add Sarah & men to add Israel to their names, which must appear on all new legal documents inc passports
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
Legal discrimination
December 1938
- A law is passed confiscating all Jewish businesses
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
Legal discrimination
August 1941
- voluntary emigration of German Jews forbidden
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
- Jewish doctors cannot work in govt hospitals & Jewish patients cannot use these hospitals
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
October 5th 1938
- A law is passed saing Jewish passports have to be stamped with a large red ‘‘J’’
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
September 1st 1939
- The German army invades Poland
- All Jews in Poland have to wear a star of David
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
November 23rd 1939
- All Jews in occupied Poland have to wear a yellow star on their clothes
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
April 30th 1940
- Jewish people in Poland are forced to move into ghettos
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
Bullying & Spiradic Violence
September 1939
- Jews cannot be out after 8pm
- Jews are forbidden from owning radios
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
Bullying & Spiradic Violence
June 22 1941
- Germany invades USSR - Operation Barbarossa
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
November 9th 1938
- Kristallnacht - this is a government permitted attack on Jews in Germany & Austria
- Jewish homes, businesses & synagogues are vandalised & burned
- Jewish property is stolen (looting)
- 28,000 German & Austrian Jewish men are deported to concentration camps
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
April 1940
- Himmler orders the building of the first (of 6 six total) concentration camp at Auschwitz
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
May 1941
- Hitler creates 6 Einsatzgruppen (killing squads)
- These squads are given orders to follow the German army into Russia & shoot all Jews & Communists
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
September 29-30 1941
- There is a mass murder of 34,000 Jews near Kiev, carried out by a German Einsatzgruppe & Ukranian police
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
January 20 1942
- Senior German officials meet outside Berlin at a country house in Wannsee
- The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the ‘‘final solution’’ for the Jewish problem
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
Feb 1942
- the first gassing of Jews is carried out at Auschwitz
- By spring, death camps have been established at Belzec, Treblinka & Sobibor
Explain one of the Nazi Racial Policies towards Jews
- Transportation of Jews from around Europe to death camps
- 6 million are murdered, of which 1 million are Einsatzgruppen massacres