Navigation Flashcards
787 Nav sys includes?
GPS, ADRS, IRS, VOR, DME, Transponder , wx radar, fms
GPS Sys summary:
2 GPS L+R –> Supply pos to IRS.
IRS–> supplies position data to FMC
If IRS inpo–> GPS supplies position and track data directly to FMC.
ADRS ( Air Data Reference Sys) Summary is:
Alt + AS data from Pitot static system (L,C,R)
To PFD, FMS, Flt CTR, Eng controls, and other systems
ISFD (intergrades stby Flt Dis) recieves data from
Center pitot static system
IRS (inertial ref Sys) consist of IRU and AHRU which calculates what?
Airspeed Attitude Hdg Pos many Sys: FMS, Flt Ctr, Eng ctr
IRU-IN Unit does what
combine interial reference with GPs–> hybrid GPS position dat
AHRU (Att and Hdg Ref Unit) does wt?
Stable HDG
and rate info