NAVEDTRA 14179A, NEETS Mod. 7, Ch. 2 Flashcards
Which year was the first transistor discovered?
What are semiconductor devices called that have-three or more elements?
In which ways are transistors classified?
What were the very first transistors known as?
Which type of transistor generates less noise, handles more power, provides higher current and voltage gains, and can be mass-produced more cheaply than the point-contact transistor?
What is the process called of increasing the strength of a signal?
Which device provides amplification without appreciably altering the original signal?
What is returning a part of the output back to its input known as?
How many classes of amplifier operations are there?
Which class of amplifiers are biased so that variations in input signal polarities occur within the limits of cutoff and saturation?
Class A
What occurs when the base becomes so negative with respect to the emitter that changes in the signal are not reflected in collector-current flow?
Amplifiers designed for what class of operation are biased so that collector current is zero (cutoff) for a portion of one alternation of the input signal?
Amplifiers biased so that collector current is cut off during one-half of the input signal are classified as what class?
What is the faithful reproduction of a signal called?
Which amplifier property refers to the ratio of output-signal power compared to the total input power?
Which amplifier class has the highest efficiency of the four classes of amplifier operations?
Class C
How many basic configurations may a transistor be connected in?
What is the most frequently used arrangement in practical amplifier circuits?
Common-Emitter configuration (CE)
Which term is used to describe the amplification capabilities of the amplifier?
What is the relationship of collector current (output current) to base current (input current)?
What is the relationship of collector current (output current) to emitter current (input current)?
Which transistor properties are the direct voltage and current values that if exceeded in operation may result in transistor failure?
Absolute Maximum Ratings
What is one of the greatest dangers to the transistor which will cause excessive current flow and eventual destruction of the transistor?
Gain, leakage, breakdown, along with what else are the four basic tests required for transistors in practical troubleshooting?
Switching time
What is a flat insulating surface upon which printed wiring and miniaturized components are connected in a predetermined design, and attached to a common base?
Printed circuit board
Printed circuit boards are stacked and connected together to form a module using what technique?
Modular circuitry
Which device integrates (combines) both active components (transistors, diodes, etc.) and passive components (resistors, capacitors, etc.) of a complete electronic circuit in a single chip (a tiny slice or wafer of semiconductor crystal or insulator)?
Integrated Circuit
What are the two general classifications of integrated circuits?
Hybrid and Monolithic
In which type of integrated circuits do all elements (resistors, transistors, etc.) associated with the circuit fabricated inseparably within a continuous piece of material (called the SUBSTRATE) which is usually silicon?