NAVEDTRA 14022, AMR, Ch. 3 Flashcards
What identify requisitions and related documents that apply to specific projects or programs?
Project codes
Maintenance control assigns a priority to individual material requisitions according to the military importance and the urgency of need of the item. Most fleet operational activities have what assigned?
If your squadron or activity has a FAD I designation and the part is available on station, you should have the replacement part within what time frame?
1 hour
What begins at the extreme left-hand position of a number and continues from the left to the right, one position at a time, until all digits have been considered?
Alphanumeric sequence
There are two types of part numbers; What are they?
Definitive and nondefinitive
What part numbers cannot be directly related to an applicable NSN without the use of additional information?
What is a five-digit number the federal government assigns to activities, such as manufacturer, vendor, or government agencies?
Material Control codes D, E, G, H, Q, or what else identify mandatory turn-in repairables (MTRs) that must be turned in to the local supply department when they become unserviceable?
What refers to the part, component, or system in which the requisitioned part is used?
Next higher assembly
What shows and lists procurable assemblies and detail parts so you can quickly identify assemblies and their components?
What codes identify the source of spares and the levels of maintenance authorized to maintain, repair, overhaul, or dispose of all equipment?
What position in the SM&R code identifies either the restrictions on acquiring the item or the level of maintenance required to manufacture or assemble the item?
What position in the SM&R code indicates the recoverability code?
What positions of the SM&R code identify maintenance-level codes?
Third and fourth
What outlines the procedures that affect your material control center and supply department in manuals, publications, and directives?
What provides cross-reference information from a reference number (a manufacturer’s part number, a drawing number, or a design control number) to its NSN?
What lists those items of Navy-managed repairable items issued on a one-for-one basis (you must turn in the unserviceable item before you can draw a replacement item from supply)?
What lists the items that are exempt from the mandatory one-for-one turn-in?
What lets intermediate maintenance activity (IMA) personnel determine if they can repair an individual item based on its SM&R code?
The ICRL-A is in microfiche and is revised how often?
What helps maintenance personnel convert a description of an item that does not have a part or reference number to an NSN?
What lists the items and quantities of aeronautical material authorized to be stocked by an aircraft carrier to support the maintenance and operations of embarked aircraft?
The AVCAL is comprised of how many basic parts?
Each Navy item stocked under centralized inventory control has an assigned what?
The NSN is a how many-digit number that identifies an item of material in the supply system?
What identifies the systems command, office, agency, or Navy inventory manager that controls the category of material?
Cognizance Symbol
ASO uses the what to identify items to aircraft models, engine models, certain commodities, and special projects or programs?
What is the title of an overall program that provides the data required for effective management of SE at all levels of aircraft maintenance?
Two NAVAIR instructions describe the procedures for allowance and inventory control, NAVAIRINST 13650.1 for IMRL items and what for TOL items?
What is the equipment required on the ground to make a system, subsystem, or end item of equipment operational in its intended environment?
What provides the support equipment controlling authority (SECA) with on-line visibility of source, allowance, inventory, and rework data to aid in inventory control?
SERMIS is the repository of master data for printing what?
Who maintains the SERMIS file by establishing and maintaining a SERMIS application guide, which includes SERMIS codes, avionics system number, and standard allowance symbols?
What representative manages the AMMRL program within his/her geographical areas?
What are major aviation commands that exercise administrative control of AMMRL program SE end items for allowance and inventory control?
What represent the SECA within their geographical areas of responsibility?
What identify material requirements and provide a basis for SE procurement?
The IMRL has how many major sections?
Maintenance activities submit IMRL revision requests following the procedures outlined in what instruction?
What at the organizational and intermediate levels (O and I levels) of maintenance is the point of contact for material needed by maintenance personnel?
What form allows a military activity rendering a service to bill your squadron?
DD Form 1348
I-level maintenance activities repair more than what percent of the unserviceable parts turned in by the squadrons?
What processes components turned in to the ASD/SSC (aviation support division/supply support center) to determine the capability of the intermediate maintenance activity (IMA) to check/test or repair the item?
Which part of a supply department is the point of contact for maintenance activities requiring direct support?
Most requirements for components from organizational maintenance are for items carried in the what?
What contain high usage, low cost, maintenance-related materials, such as nuts, bolts, gaskets, O-rings, switches, abrasive, and glues?
SRS limits the quantity of any item in the PEB to a how many-day supply?
If an item costs more than the maximum permitted (what amount), the commanding officer must approve the item for PEB stockage?
Supply reviews stock records for the PEB how often?
The function of the what is to manage the LRCA held at the ASD/SSC?
There are how many workload priorities that can be assigned to a LRCA?