NAVAIR 00-25-100, WP 013 00 Flashcards
What is the Naval Air System Command’s (NAVAIR) automated technical data information and distribution system?
Technical Manual Application System (TMAPS)
How many days prior to deploying must activities order their Automatic Distribution Requirements List (ADRL) CD set for use as a backup to the Naval Air Technical Data and Engineering Service Center (NATEC) website or Joint Knowledge Caching Server (JKCS) in the event access to the Technical Manual (TM) electronic version on local servers or the Naval Air Technical Data and Engineering Service Center (NATEC) web is interrupted?
Which Navy and Marine Corps Aviation Unit division is responsible for managing the technical library?
Quality Assurance (QA)
The technical library must establish and maintain a program to audit the Central Technical Publications Library (CTPL) at least how often?
The technical library must establish and maintain a program to audit disperses libraries at least how often?
Who are available to assist the user community in any problem area related to technical publication libraries?
Technical Publications Specialists (TPSs)
How many types of technical publication libraries can there be based on the organization of the activity?
What acts as the activity’s single point of contact with Naval Air Technical Data and Engineering Service Center (NATEC) concerning automatic distribution requirements of all Naval Air System Command’s (NAVAIR) manuals including Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization (NATOPS)/tactical manuals?
Central Technical Publications Library (CTPL)
How many years at a minimum should personnel assigned to a Central Technical Publications Library (CTPL) be retained in the billet to ensure continuity, effective operation and adequate training?
How many months at a minimum should personnel assigned to a dispersed library be retained in the billet?
Which publication contains the guidelines for the organization and administration of the Naval Warfare Publication (NWP) Library?
NTRP 1-01
Which program is the primary management tool utilized for controlling technical media managed by Central Technical Publications Library (CTPL) librarians?
Naval Air Technical Data and Engineering Service Center Enhanced Library Management System (NATEC ELMS)
How often must the Central Technical Publications Library (CTPL) issue a Naval Air Technical Data and Engineering Service Center Enhanced Library Management System (NATEC ELMS) Program Work Center Locator Listing for all work centers?
What is used as a record by the Central Technical Publications Library (CTPL) librarian to ensure updates to manuals have been issued to and incorporated into dispersed libraries?
Change Entry Certification Record (CECR)
Which program generates Change Entry Certification Records (CECRs)?
Enhanced Library Management System (ELMS)
Within how many working days of receipt from the Central Technical Publications Library (CTPL) must Interim Rapid Action Changes (IRACs) and Rapid Action Changes (RACs) be incorporated by the work center due to the critical nature of the update?
Within how many working days of receipt from the Central Technical Publications Library (CTPL) must formal changes and routine revisions and notices be incorporated by the work center?
What is the only authorized medium for directing the accomplishment and recording of modifications and one-time inspections of Naval Air System Command (NAVAIR) accepted equipment?
Technical Directive Reporting System (TDRS)
Which publication is the management and procedures manual for the Naval Air System Command (NAVAIR) Technical Directive system?
NAVAIR 00-25-300
How many months after receipt by the Central Technical Publications Library (CTPL) will the Weekly Summary for Issued Technical Directives messages be processed and retained for?
What maintains a master repository for all Naval Air System Command (NAVAIR), and Air Launch and Recovery Equipment (ALRE) Technical Directives (TDs)?
Naval Air Technical Data and Engineering Service Center (NATEC)
How often at a minimum must a copy be made of the Central Technical Publications Library’s (CTPLs) Automatic Distribution Requirements List (ADRL) Report from the Technical Manual Application System (TMAPS) Enhanced Library Management System (ELMS) database?
How many years must Central Technical Publications Library (CTPL) audits be retained?
The Central Technical Publications Library (CTPL) custodian or responsible Depot Department shall be responsible for providing training and assistance to both the work center/depot supervisors and the dispersed librarians at least how often at a minimum?