NASM CPT Chapter 6 Flashcards
**Which of the following is an example of objective information?
Answer will be blood pressure and/or HR training.
Subjective info:
Info that client gives you.
Objective info:
Assessments performed to gather info about a client.
When do you give a client the PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness) form?
Before the assessment.
Beta-Blockers or B-Blockers:
Generally used for high blood pressure or irregular heart beat.
Generally used for asthma and other pulmonary diseases.
How do you find someone’s HR?
The radial pulse-lightly place 2 fingers along the right side of the arm in line and just above the thumb. Once a pulse is felt, count the pulses for 60 seconds.
**Straight Percentage Method is used to determine: __________.
How do you find it?
Someone’s peak maximal heart rate.
You find it using the equation: 220(220-age).
**What method would you use to determine someone’s HR training zone?
Straight percentage method.
What is the top number of a blood pressure reading?
Systolic-represents the pressure within the arterial system after the heart contracts.
What is the bottom number of a blood pressure reading?
Diastolic-represents the pressure within the arterial system when the heart is resting and filling with blood.
How do you take a skin fold measurement of the iliac crest?
A 45 degree angle fold, taken just above the iliac crest and medial to the axillary line.
Pronation Distortion Syndrome:
Me! A postural distortion syndrome characterize by foot pronation (flat feet) and adducted and internally rotated knees (knock knees)
Lower Crossed Syndrome:
A postural distortion syndrome characterized by an anterior tilt to the pelvis (arched lower back).
Upper Crossed Syndrome:
A postural distortion syndrome characterized by a forward head and rounded shoulders.