NASM CPT Chapter 6 Flashcards
**Which of the following is an example of objective information?
Answer will be blood pressure and/or HR training.
Subjective info:
Info that client gives you.
Objective info:
Assessments performed to gather info about a client.
When do you give a client the PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness) form?
Before the assessment.
Beta-Blockers or B-Blockers:
Generally used for high blood pressure or irregular heart beat.
Generally used for asthma and other pulmonary diseases.
How do you find someone’s HR?
The radial pulse-lightly place 2 fingers along the right side of the arm in line and just above the thumb. Once a pulse is felt, count the pulses for 60 seconds.
**Straight Percentage Method is used to determine: __________.
How do you find it?
Someone’s peak maximal heart rate.
You find it using the equation: 220(220-age).
**What method would you use to determine someone’s HR training zone?
Straight percentage method.
What is the top number of a blood pressure reading?
Systolic-represents the pressure within the arterial system after the heart contracts.
What is the bottom number of a blood pressure reading?
Diastolic-represents the pressure within the arterial system when the heart is resting and filling with blood.
How do you take a skin fold measurement of the iliac crest?
A 45 degree angle fold, taken just above the iliac crest and medial to the axillary line.
Pronation Distortion Syndrome:
Me! A postural distortion syndrome characterize by foot pronation (flat feet) and adducted and internally rotated knees (knock knees)
Lower Crossed Syndrome:
A postural distortion syndrome characterized by an anterior tilt to the pelvis (arched lower back).
Upper Crossed Syndrome:
A postural distortion syndrome characterized by a forward head and rounded shoulders.
** Which of the following muscles would be lengthened in upper crossed syndrome?
What is the purpose of the overhead squat assessment?
Assess dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance, and overall neuromuscular control.
**During an overhead squat assessment which angle could you see the feet, ankles, and knees?
Anterior view.
**The anterior view of an overhead squat assessment shows which of the following ….
Answer would be feet, ankles, and knees.
**When you have LPHC (Lumbo Hip Complex Distortion, which of the following muscles could be weak? (lateral view)
Erector Spinae.
**In lateral view of excessive forward lean, which muscles are underactive?
Anterior Tibialis.
** Which of the following muscles are tight when the arms fall forward? (lateral view)
Latissimus dorsi.
**In lower-crossed syndrome and/or pronation-distortion syndrome, which muscles are always tight? (anterior view)
Lateral gastrocnemius.
**Which of the following muscles are going to be underactive if the knee moves inward during a single leg squat?
Vastus Medialis Oblique (VMO)
**Which of the following muscles are going to be weak if the head protrudes forward during pulling (or pushing) assessment?
Deep cervical flexors.
**Which of the following assessment is designed to assess lower extremity agility and neuromuscular control?
Shark skill test.