NASM CPT Chapter 4 Flashcards
All of the chemical reactions that occur in the body to maintain itself. Metabolism is the process in which nutrients are acquired, transported, used, and disposed of by the body.
The study of energy in the human body.
Macros! The material or substance on which an enzyme acts.
We eat chemical energy (carbs, fats, others) to make ______.
ATP is the body’s _______ currency.
Energy currency.
From the production of ATP we create chemical waste (carbon dioxide, water) and ________.
Fat can be stored where?
Organic compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which include starches, cellulose, and sugars, and are an important source of energy. All carbs are eventually broken down in the body to glucose, a simple sugar. Main source of fuel in exercise.
Where can carbs be stored?
In the liver & muscle cells.
***One of the benefits of fat as a fuel source is that most people have an __________ supply of fat, which can be broken down into ___________ and used for energy during prolonged physical activity or exercise.
Exercise metabolism:
The examination of bioenergetics as it relates to the unique physiologic changes and demands placed on the body during exercise.
A simple sugar manufactured by the body from carbohydrates, fat, and to a lesser extent protein, which serves as the body’s main source of fuel.
Stored form of glucose.
Energy stores. Help body absorb vitamins and keep skin healthy. Two types are saturated and unsaturated.
The chemical or substrate form in which most fat exists in food as well as in the body.
The formation of glucose from non-carb sources, such as amino acids. Can turn aminos into glucose.
Adenosine Diphosphate:
A high energy compound occurring in all cells from which ATP is formed.
**ATP-PC System lasts for how long and what type of exercise does it get utilized?
Short term: 10-15 seconds. High intensity, short duration bouts of exercise, power & strength training where heavy loads with few reps used, or during sprinting events. 1 ATP at a time, really intense.
Which energy systems use glucose/glycogen (carbs) as a fuel source?
ATP-PC system and the Glycolysis system.
Which energy system can utilize fat as a fuel source?
The Oxidative System.
Glycolysis system lasts for how long and what type of exercise does it get utilized?
30-50 seconds. Most fitness workouts, as a typical rep range is 8-12 and falls within this time. 30 ATP aerobic, 2 ATP anaerobic.
Oxidative System lasts for how long and what type of exercise does it get utilized?
Activities over 3-4 minutes. Soccer player uses. (A lot of ATP, takes a while).
How often are all 3 energy systems active?
All 3 are always active, it’s a matter of which one is providing the most ATP.
Excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC):
The state in which the body’s metabolism is elevated after exercise. Meaning: you are going to consume oxygen even after exercise for cell/body recovery.
How does high intensity exercise affect respiratory quotient?
How does rest affect RQ?
When you do high intensity exercise, 100% of energy comes from carbs.
Lower intensity or rest will fall into RQ .7-.8 & utilize more fat fuel.
When does the aerobic system start?
2 minutes or more. Oxidative aerobic.