Napoleon's France Flashcards
Concert of Europe
A system i which the powers of Europe met periodically to discuss any problems affecting the peace in Europe.
Step down from power.
Congress of Vienna
A meeting of heads of states within Europe after Waterloo to restore stability and order in Europe.
A government-ran pubic school in France.
A formal agreement between the Pope and a government dealing with the control of Church affairs.
Coup d’etat
A sudden seizure of political power.
Louisiana Purchase
Due to his need for funds, Napoleon sold the Louisiana territory for $15 million to the United States. The territory doubled the size of U.S.
Scorched-Earth policy
When the movement of an army includes burning crops and villages to make it difficult for the enemy to follow.
Fighters using surprise attacks and hit-and-run raids.
The principle by which monarchies that had been unseated by the French Revolution or Napoleon were restored.
The use of troops or ships to prevent goods from entering or leaving a place.
A popular vote by ballot.
Balance of Power
A political situation in which no one nation is powerful enough to pose a threat to others.
Add territory to an existing state, country, or empire.
The Continental System
A form of economic warfare that closed European ports to British goods; the foreign policy in which Europe adopted Napoleon’s reforms.
Napoleonic Code
The code of laws created under Napoleon that embodies enlightenment principles of equality, tolerance, and freedom.
How he became Emperor
Napoleon crowned himself as Emperor of France.
How he became famous
He was a great military leader who won many battles on lands throughout Europe.
Exile to Elba
Napoleon ost a war with 5 European countries and was forced to surrender as a result of the surrender, he was exiled to Elba.
Exile to St. Helena
Napoleon lost the battle of Waterloo to the British. To make sure he didn’t cause any more issues, the British exiled him to St. Helena far out in the Atlantic Ocean.
Return to France from Elba
Napoleon heard rumors the people of France were unhappy with Louis XVIII, so he left Elba, snuck into France, and took back the throne.
Defeat in Russia in 1812
Napoleon was defeated in Russia because of battles, diseases, starvation from scorched-earth policies, and harsh Russian winter. Many men also deserted.