Proximal or superior attachment
-closer to the origin
-proximal: appendicular muscles
-superior: axial muscles, usually more moveable
Distal or inferior attachment
-distal: appendicular muscles (more moveable)
-inferior: axial muscles
Prime mover/Agonist
-muscle primarily responsible for the movement
-stretches and yields to the effects against the agonist
-muscles used to prevent unwanted movements at the intermediate joints
-or aid in the movement of the agonist
Rectus (direction)
-straight, parallel to the midline
-example: rectus abdominis
Transverse (direction)
-perpendicular to the midline
-example: transverse abdominis
Oblique (direction)
-diagonal to the midline
-example: external oblique
Maximus (size)
-example: gluteus maximus
Miniums (size)
-example: gluteus minimus
Longus (size)
-example: flexor pollicis longus
Brevis (size)
-short or brief
-example: adductor brevis
Latissimus (size)
Longissimus (size)
Magnus (size)
Major (size)
-larger of the two muscles
-example: pectoralis major
Minor (size)
-smaller of the two muscles
-example: pectoralis minor
Vastus (size)
Deltoid (shape)
-example: deltoid
Trapezius (shape)
-example: trapezius
Serratus (shape)
Rhomboid (shape)
-diamond shaped
Orbicularis (shape)
-example: orbicularis oculi
Pectinate (shape)
Piriformis (shape)
Platys (shape)
Quadratus (shape)
-example: pronator quadratus
Gracilis (shape)
Flexor (action)
-flexes a joint
-example: flexor carpi radialis
Extensor (action)
-extends a joint
-example: extensor hallucis longus
Abductor (action)
-abducts body part
-example: abductor pollicis longus
Adductor (action)
-adducts body part
-example: adductor magnus
Levator (action)
Depressor (action)
Supinator (action)
-supinating the forearm
Pronator (action)
-rotates radius bone of forearm to turn palm down
Sphincter (action)
-decreases size of opening
Tensor (action)
-makes rigid
Rotator (action)
-rotates along longitudinal axis
Biceps (origin)
-two heads
-example: biceps femoris
Triceps (origin)
-three heads
-example: triceps brachii
Quadriceps (origin)
-four heads
-example: quadriceps femoris