Blood brain barrier (what is it?)
-selectively permeable membrane
-between blood and the cranial nervous system
Blood brain barrier (how is it formed ?)
-formed from special capillaries
-contain tight junctions
-thickened capillary wall
-wrapped with astrocytes
Blood brain barrier (advantages)
-restricts molecules that can flow into the brain
-regulates what substances can pass
-prevents exposure to harmful substances
Blood brain barrier (disadvantages)
-molecules (ex. glucose) need to be actively transported across the BBB
-if a brain infection does occur, antibiotics have difficulty crossing the BBB into the brain tissues and reaching therapeutic levels
Cerebral Spinal Fluid (what is it?)
-clear colorless fluid
-surrounds the brain and spinal cord
-circulates through the internal cavities and spinal cord
-CSF circulates in the central canal of the spinal cord and the subarachnoid space
-CSF produced in ventricles and moves through cerebral aqueduct, then central canal and sub-arachnoid space
Cerebral Spinal Fluid (main functions)
- Protection: in the form of shock
absorption - Homeostatic function:
maintaining pH, which is
important for protein
functioning - Circulation: transports
nutrients and removes waste - Buoyancy: brain floats
-failure in the CSF to drain properly
-results in the buildup of CSF and causing pressure on the brain
-can occur from congenital abnormalities, head injury, meningitis, and episodes of bleeding into the brain
Brain stem
-medulla oblongata
Medulla oblongata
-Cardiovascular center: Controls rate and force of heartbeat and diameter of blood vessels
-Medullary respiratory center: Controls the rate and rhythm of breathing, coughing sneezing, salivation, swallowing, gagging, and vomiting relaxes
-controls breathing
-acts as a relay center of motor control
-visual reflexes
-auditory pathways
-startle reflex
-subconscious muscle activities
-compares intended movements with what is happening with skeletal muscles
-regulates posture, equilibrium and balance
-relays sensory impulses to the cerebral cortex
-controls and integrates the autonomic nervous system
-coordinates between nervous and endocrine systems
-produces hormones, controls body temperature, regulates hunger/thirst, assists with internal circadian clock
-two hemispheres
-location of the conscious thought and origin of complex intellectual functions
-Brodmann’s areas: Numbered regions of the cerebral cortex that have “mapped” to specific cognitive functions
-Sensory areas: Perception of sensory information
-Motor areas: Voluntary movements
-Association areas: Memory, personality, intelligence
-Corpus callosum: thick band of axons, connects corresponding regions of the tow hemispheres
-Lobes according to bones:
Limbic system
-“emotional brain”
-functional system that is composed of regions from the cerebrum and diencephalon
-primary role in pain, pleasure, docility, affection, anger and memory