Mycology Flashcards
Which systemic mycosis that foun in the Mississippi?
- Histoplasmosis
2. Blastomycosis
Which organism can cause : pulmonary infiltraion, ulcer in tongue and platal, hepatosplenomegaly and hailar adenopahty ?
Which organism can cause in the immunocompramised skin lesion( papules, ulcer, pustules) and bone pain ?
Which organism can cause in the immunocomptent : lungs infection and flu-like symptomes, granuloma ?
Blastomycosis in room temprature appers as :
Mold form “branching hyphae “
Blastomycosis in body temprature appers as :
BBB:- “broad-based-bud”
Which organism can found in desert area and cause erythema nodosum. ?
Which organism can cause erthema nodosum “desert bumps” and arthralgias “ desert rheumatism ?
Which organism similar to Coccidiodiomycosis and found in latin america and cause captin wheel formation ?
Para Coccidiodiomycosis
Types of cutaneumycosis :
- Tinea dermatophytes
2. Tinea versi-color
Which type of tinea dermatophytes affect the head and scalp ?
Tinea capitis
Which type of tinea dermatophytes affect the torso ?
Tinea corpris
Which type of tinea dermatophytes affect the inguinal area ?
Tinea cruris
Which type of tinea dermatophytes affects the nails ?
Tinea unguium
Which type of tinea dermatophytes have 3 types :interdigital, muccasin, viscular ?
Tinea pedis
Which organism is yeast-like fungal and cause melanocytes damage, and appers on microscopy as spaghetti and meta balls ?
Tinea versi-color
Which fungal infection can cause:- oral and esophagial thrush in immunocompremised ?
Which fungal infection can cause:- vulvovaginitis in diabetic patient ?
C. Albicanis
Which fungal have pseudohyphae and true hyphae “germ tube “ and found normally in flora of skin mouth vagina and intestine ?
Aspergillus diseases :
- Invasive aspergillos
- Aspergillomas (fungal balls)
- Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
Which fungal disease characterised by : lungs granulomas and infection of endocardium and paranasal sinus ?
Invasive aspirgilloma
Which fungal disease characterised by : hypersinsivity and mucus plugging and wheezing and increasing of IgE, esinophilia and proximal bronchioctasis ?
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspirgillosis
Which fungal disease characterised by :black necrotic eschar on the face , frontal lobe abscess and rhino-cerebral abscess and cavernous sinus thrombosis ?
Which fungal disease characterised by : wide angel and non-septate hyphae ?
Which fungal disease can cause meningioencephlitis ?
Cryptococcal meningioencephlitis symptomes :
- Fever 2. Headache 3. Lethargy
Which fungal disease characterised by transparent capsule in india ink stain, and in the lumbar pancture: increase protein, decrease glucose ?
Cryptococcal meningioencephlitis
Which fungal disease can cause PCP (pneumocystis pneumonia) and diffuse interstitial pneumonia and bilateral ground glass ?
Pneumocystis jirovecii
Which fungal disease can cause rose gardner disease, ascending lyphangitis and local ulcer ?
Treatment of local and systemic mycosis :
Local infection: flucanazole or itraconazole .
Systemic infection : amphotericin B
Bat in cave
Smooth white with round elongated cell at {37}, branching hyphae at {25} :
Local defence against candida albicans
Systemic defence against candida albicans:
Candida albicans at 20 degree appears as
Candida at 37 degree appears as
True hyphae
Candida found in normal flora of
- Skin
- Mouth
- Vagina
- Intestine
Yeast + pseudohyphae :
Candida albicanis
Sepatate hyphae with acute V shape branching
Narrow based bud =
Broad based bud =
- Narrow based bud =cryptococcus
2. Broad based bud =blastomycosis
Silver stain, disc-shaped cysts, effects of HIV patient { 200> CD4 } :
Pneumocystic jirovecii
Oval, budding yeast with pseudohyphae
Non sepatate hyphae with wide angle branching :
Mucor and rhizopus
Sepatate hyphae with acute angle branching
Round yeast surrounded by budding yeast cell
The greatest predisposing factor of candida albicanis
Diabetes mellitus