Basic Bacteriology Flashcards
Which organism grow in chocolate agar ?
Which organism grow in thayer-martin agar?
Two types of nesseria
Which organism grow in bordet-gengou agar ?
Which organism grow in tellurie agar, loffler medium?
C. Diphtheria
Which organism grow in lowenstein-jensen agar ?
Which organism grow in Eaton agar ?
Which organism grow in MacConkey agar ?
Lactose-ferminting enterics
Which organism grow in eosin- methylene blue (EMB) agar ?
Which organism grow in charocal yeast extract agar buffered with cystein and iron?
Which organism grow in sabourand agar ?
Which type of stains use for diagnosis of whipple disease ?
Periodic acid -schiff stain
Giemsa stain use for :
- Chlamydia
- Borrelia
- Rickettsia
- Trypanosoma
- Plasmodium
Ziehl-neelsen stain (carbol fuchsin) use for:
- Acid fast bacteria ( eg, TB, nocardia)
2. Protozoa (eg, cryptos-poridium oocytes)
Indian ink stain use for :
Cryptococcus neoformans
Silver stain use for :
- Legionella
- Fungi
- H.pylori
Obligate intracellula bacteria:
- ** CCR
1. Rickettsia
2. Chlamydia
3. Coxiella
Facultative intracellular bacteria
1. Salmonella
2. Nesseria
3. Brucella
4. Mycobacterium
5. Listeria
6. Legionella
7. Yerisina
Encapsulared bacteria
- Please SHINE my SKiS:
1. P- Pseudomonas
2. S-streptococcus pneumonia
3. H+I H-Influnza
4. N-Nesseria
5. E- E.coli
6. S- Salmonella
7. K-Klebsiella
8. S-Streptococci grop B
Function of bacteria capsule
Anti-phagocytic virulence factor
Urease (+) organism :
1. P-proteus
2. C-Cryptococcus
3. H-H.pylori
4. U- Ureaplasma
5. N-Nocardia
6. k-Klebsiella
7. S-S.epidermidis
8. S-S. saprophyticus
In vivo bifilm producing bacteria :
- S.epidermidis
- S.viridans
- Pseudomonas
- Nontypeable H-influnza
Which bacteria produce protein A?
Which bacteria produce IgA protease ?
- S.pneumonea
- H-influnza
- Nesseria
Which bacteria produce M-protein ?
Group A streptococci ( S. pyogenes )
Which bacterial virulence factor bind to Fc region of IgG, and prevent opsonization and phagocytosis?
Protein A
Which enzyme that cleaves IgA, allowing bateria to adhere to it, and colonize mucus membrabne ?
IgA protease
Which bacterial virulence factor help in prevent the phagocytosis and shares similar epitopes to human cellular protein ( molecular mimicry) and seen in acute reumatic fever ?
What’s the needle-like protein appendage facilitaing direct delivery of toxins from gran (-) bacteria to eukaryotic host cell ?
Type 3 secretion system” injectisome”
Their’s two structures in the bacteria that responsible for delivery the bacterial component, what are thay ?
- Injectisome
2. Sex pilli
Transporting of DNA from bacteria to another by:
Sex pilli
Transporting of toxin from bacteria to human by :
Exotoxin that inhibit protein synthesis :
- Diphtheria toxin
- Exotoxin A
- Shiga toxin
- Shiga-like toxin
Exotoxin that increase fluid secretion :
- Heat-labile toxin
- Heat -stable toxin
- Edema toxin
- Cholera toxin
Exotoxin that inhibit phagocytosis :
Proteussis toxin
Phagocytability decrease by :
- Protein A
2. Protein M
Exotoxin that inhibit on neurotransmittier:”
- Tetansospasmin
2. Botulinum toxin
Exotoxin that lyse cell membrane :
- Alpha toxin
2. Streptolysin O
Exotoxin that superantigen cause shock :
- Toxic shock syndrome toxin
2. Exotoxin A
Different between toxic shcok and septic shock:
Septic shock : shock + fever.
Toxic shock : shock + fever + rash .
Lipopolysacchride that found in:
outer membrane of gram (-) bacteria
(LPS) coposed of:
- Lipid A (endotoxin)
- Core polysacchride
- O antigen
Three main effects of endotoxin :
- Macrophage activation
- Complement activation
- Tissule factor activation
All gram (+) bacteria don’t have endotoxin except:
Macrophage activiation lead to
Septic shock : fever, hypotension
Complement activation lead to :
- Histamin release: hypotension +edema.
2. Neutrophil chemotaxis
Tissue factor activation lead to :
Why their’s no vaccine available aginst endotoxin ?
Due to the structure of the endotoxin doesn’t contains protein, therfore immune system can’t produce antibodies aginst it .
Spore forming bacteria:
- Anthracs
2. Clostridum
In which phase the spore forming bacteria form the sporess ?
At the end of stationary phase
Encapsulated bacterial vaccine :
- Pneumococcal vaccine
- H-influnza vaccine
- Meningiococcal vaccine