General Virology+ DNA Viruses Flashcards
What’s meaning of recombination
Exchange of gene between 2 chromosomes by crossing over
Whats meaning of Complimentaion
Virus complement the other to work (example Hepatitis B and Hepatitis D)
Whats meaning of phenotypic mixing?
When two viruses infect the same cell at the same time
Types of viral vaccine
- Live attenuated
2. Killed
Live attenuated vaccine for which viruses?
فرخه صفرا سايبينها في الممر ببوكس صغير مع روتافايروس
Killed vaccine for which viruses
RIP Always
- Rabies
- influnza-injected
- Polio virus(salk)
- Hepatitis A virus
All DNA viruses are dsDNA except:
All RNA viruses are ssRNA except:
(+) stranded RNA viruses:
Corona FC THRP
- Corona
- Flavi-virus
- calici-virus
- toga-virus
- hepe-virus
- Retro-virus
- Picorna-virus
(-) stranded RNA viruses:
- Filo-virus
- Arena-virus
- Rhabdovirus
- Bunya-virus
- Orthomyxovirus
- Paramyxovirus
all DNA viruses replicated in the nucleus except:
all the RNA viruses replicated in the cytoplasm except:
- Paramyoxivirus
2. Retrovirus
Which DNA viruses are circular?
- Papilloma
- Polyoma
- Hepadnavirus (ex:HBV)
Naked(non-enveloped) DNA viruses:
- Papilloma
- adenovius
- polyoma
- parvovirus
Naked(non-developed) RNA viruses:
- calici-virus
- hepe-virus
- picorna-virus
- Reo-virus
General DNA viruses
Types of herpes virus:
- HSV-1
- HSV-2
- cytomegalovirus
- HHV-6,7
- HHV-8
HSV-1 primary infection:
HSV-1 reactivation, cause:
Cold sores
HSV-1 diseases:
- gingivo-stomatitis(primary infection).
- Kerato-conjunctivitis.
- Herpes labialis (secondary infection).
- Temporal lobe encephalitis
- Esophagitis
HSV-1 temporal lobe encephlitis symptomes:
- Acute onest of fever
- Aphasia عدم القدره على الكلام
- seizure
- headache
HSV-2 diseases
- Herpes genetalis : pustules and ulcer on labia, penis, buttocks
- Neonatal herpes
VZV diseases
- Chickenpox
- Shingles
- herpes zoster
Herpes zoster symptomes
- Unilateral veiscular rash
- Pain that persists for several months.
- Dermatom destruction
Latent form of VZV
Herpes zoster
Primary infection of VZV
Which type of disease of VZV the immune system produce IgG aginst it ?.
Which virus infect B-cell?
Which viruse cause mononucleosis?
Symptomes of mononucleosis
- Fever
- Hepatospleenomegally
- Pharyngitis
- Lymphoadenopathy
Symptomes of congenital CMV
- Deafness
- Jaundice
- Seizures
- Hepatospleenomegally
CMV diseases
- Pneumonea( in transplant patient)
- Esophagitis
- Retinitis(AIDS)
- Hemorrhage
- Vission loss
- Cotton-wool exudate
Which viruse cause roseola infantum?
Symptomes of Roseola infantum:
- High fever(3-5 days)
- Seizures
- Diffuse maculopapular rash
Which viruse case capusi sarcoma?
Capusi sarcoma seen in ?
- Transplant patient
What’s capusi sarcoma?
Neoplasm of endothelium cell
Kaposi sarcoma result in:
- Vascular proliferation
2. Dark violaceus plaque of nodules
Disease of pox-virus
- Smallpox
2. Crowpox (milk-maid blister)
Which virus cause molluscum contagrosum?
Crowpox of poxvirus
HBV for which group of viruses?
Diseases of adeno-virus
- Acute hemorrhagic cystits (in children)
2. Pharyngio-conjunctival fever
Pharyngio-conjunctival fever symptomes :
- Fibrile pharyngitis
- Fever
- Conjunctvitis
- Nasal congestion
- Cough
Human papilloma virus 1-4 cause:
Skin wart ( verruca vulgaris )
Human papilloma virus 6,11 cause
Genital wart (condylomata acuminata)
Human papilloma virus 16,18 cause:
Neoplasia in :
- Anal
- Cervical
- Vaginal
- Vulvar
Parvo-virus {B-19} cause in normal child:
Erythema infectiousum ( slapped cheecks )
Parvo-virus {B-19} cause in normal adult :
Acute systemic arthropathy
Parvo-virus {B-19} cause in general
Chonic hemolytic anemia