Musles of the Head & Neck Flashcards
epicranial aponeurosis definition
strong, tendinous sheet covering the calvarium
Muscles of facial expression are innervated by the
facial nerve (CN VII)
Occipitofrontalis frontal belly OIAI
O: epicranial aponeurosis
I: skin, subcutaneous tissue of eyebrows/forehead
A: elevates eyebrows and wrinkles forehead
I: facial nerve
Occipitofrontalis occipital belly OIAI
O: superior nuchal line of the occipital bone
I: epicranial aponeurosis
A: elevates eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
I: facial nerve
Orbicularis occuli orbital part OIAI
O: frontal bone, lacrimal bone
I: skin around orbital margin, superior/inferior tarsal plates, lateral palpebral ligament
A: closes eyes tightly, voluntary
I: facial nerve
Orbiicularis occuli palpebral part OIAI
O: medial palpebral ligament
I: skin around orbital margin, superior/inferior tarsal plates, lateral palpebral ligament
A: closes eyes gently, involuntary
I: facial nerve
Orbicularis Oris OIAI
O: medial maxilla and mandible, peri-oral skin, angle of the mouth
I: mucous membrane of the lips
A: compresses and protrudes the lips, resists distension
I: facial nerve
Buccinator OIAI
O: alveolar processes of maxilla and and mandible of the molars
I: angle of the mouth, orbicularis oris
A: presses cheek against moral teeth, resists distension when blowing
I: facial nerve
Levator Anguli Oris OIAI
O: infra-orbital maxilla
I: angle of mouth
A: widens oral fissure, raises angle of mouth
I: facial nerve
Zygomaticus Major and Minor OIAI
O: lateral aspect of zygomatic bone
I: angle of mouth
A: elevates upper lip, draws angle of mouth lateral and upwards
I: facial nerve
Depressor Anguli Oris OIAI
O: anteriolateral base of mandible
I: angle of mouth
A: depresses labial commissures bilaterally to frown
I: facial nerve
Platysma OIAI
O: subcutaneous tissue, infraclavicular and superclavicular regions
I: base of mandible, skin of cheek and lower lip, angle of mouth, orbicularis oris
A: depresses mandible against resistance, tenses skin of inferior face and neck
I: facial nerve
muscles of mastification are innervated by the
trigeminal nerve (CN V)
Temporalis OIAI
O: temporal fossa
I: coronoid process of the mandible
A: elevates and retracts the mandible at the temporomandibular joint to close the jaw
I: mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve
Masseter OIAI
O: zygomatic arch
I: lateral surface of the angle and ramus of the mandible
A: elevates and protracts/protrudes mandible to elevate the jaw
I: mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve