Musculoskeletal Medications (42) Flashcards
METHOCARBAMOL: Nursing Considerations
- IM: inject deep into muscle of buttock, rotate sites
- NG tube: crush tablets into fluid
- PO: take with food or milk
- Urine may turn green, black, or brown
- Avoid alcohol, CNS depressants, including OTC cold or allergy meds
- Avoid activities requiring alertness until effects of medication are known
- Monitor IV sites carefully for extravasation
- Rx; Preg Cat C
- Drowsiness
- Light-headedness
- Hypotension
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Metallic taste
- Urticaria
- Blurred vision
Relief of pain associated with musculoskeletal disorders, adjunct in management of neuromuscular manifestations of tetanus
METAXALONE: Nursing Considerations
- Should be an adjunct to rest and physical therapy
- Avoid alcohol while using this drug
- Use caution when operating machinery
- Rx; Preg Cat N/A
METAXALONE: Side Effects
- Drowsiness
- Nervousness
- GI upset
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Irritability
- Hepatitis
- Rash
Relief of pain associated with musculoskeletal injuries
CYCLOBENZAPRINE: Nursing Considerations
- Avoid alcohol, CNS depressants, OTC cold and allergy meds
- Avoid activities requiring alertness until effects of medication are known
- Do not discontinue abruptly, taper over 1–2 weeks
- Give with food to decrease GI upset
- Rx; Preg Cat B
CYCLOBENZAPRINE: Side efects…pendiente
Relief of muscle spasms and pain in musculoskeletal conditions
CARISOPRODOL: Nursing Considerations
- PO: onset 30 minutes, peak 4 hours, duration 4–6 hours
- Avoid alcohol, CNS depressants, including OTC cold or allergy meds
- Avoid activities requiring alertness until effects of medication are known
- May cause dependence; use for short term (2–3 weeks)
- Rx C-IV; Preg Cat C
- Drowsiness
- Headache
- Insomnia
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Postural hypotension
- Diplopia
- Asthma attacks
- Eosinophilia
- Rash
Relief of pain and stiffness in musculoskeletal disorders
BACLOFEN: Nursing Considerations
- Take with food to decrease GI symptoms
- Avoid alcohol, CNS depressants
- Increased risk of seizures in patients with seizure disorder
- Withdraw gradually over 1 to 2 weeks, unless severe adverse reactions; D/C may cause hallucinations, tachycardia, or rebound spasticity
- Rx; Preg Cat C
BACLOFEN: Side Effects
- Drowsiness
- Dizziness
- Weakness, fatigue
- Confusion
- Nausea, vomiting
- Headache
- Seizures
- Hypotension
- Chest pain, palpitations
- Blurred vision
- Respiratory failure
Urinary frequency
Reduction of spasticity in spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis
SALSALATE: Nursing Considerations
- PO: can be crushed or taken whole
- PO: take with food or milk to decrease GI upset
- Full therapeutic effect may take 2 weeks
- Do not take another salicylate (ASA) while on this med
- Rx; Preg Cat C
SALSALATE: Side Effects
- Nausea, vomiting
- GI bleeding
- Vertigo
- Heartburn
- Rash
- Tinnitus
- Hearing loss
Relief of mild to moderate pain in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
PIROXICAM: Nursing Considerations
- PO: with food to decrease GI upset; on empty stomach to increase absorption
- Take at same time every day
- Full therapeutic effect may take up to 1 month for arthritis
- Avoid concurrent use of ASA, OTC meds, alcohol
- Rx; Preg Cat C
PIROXICAM: Side Effects
- Drowsiness, dizziness
- Nausea, vomiting
- Blurred vision, tinnitus
- GI disturbance, bleeding, or ulcer
- Rash
- Exacerbation of angina
- Anemia, leukopenia
- Photosensitivity
- Hypo/hyperglycemia
- Renal failure
- Bronchospasms
Relief of mild to moderate pain in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
INDOMETHACIN: Nursing Considerations
- PO: take with food/milk, encourage upright position for 15–30 minutes
- Use caution with potentially hazardous activities
- Avoid use with alcohol, aspirin, other NSAIDs
- Rx; Preg Cat C
- Peptic ulcer
- Dizziness, headache
- Blurred vision
- Tinnitus
- Hypertension
- Drowsiness
- Nausea, constipation
- Dysrhythmias
- MI/stroke
- GI bleeding
- Hepatitis
- Blood dyscrasias
- Nephrotoxicity
Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, acute gouty arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis
ETANERCEPT: Nursing Considerations
- Instruct patient or caregiver to administer subQ injection
- Do not take live viruses during treatment
- Must be continued for prescribed time to be effective
- Rx
ETANERCEPT: Side Effects
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Abdominal pain
- Dyspepsia
- Heart failure
- Hepatitis
- Anemia, leukopenia
- URI, cough
Management of acute chronic rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and plaque psoriasis
DICLOFENAC: Nursing Considerations
- PO: take with full glass of water and food and remain upright for 30 minutes
- If dose missed, take within 2 hours
- Use with NSAIDs increases anticoagulant effects
- Rx
DICLOFENAC: Side Effects
Dizziness, drowsiness
Blood dyscrasias
GI distress, bleeding, or ulcer
Heart failure
Hearing loss, blurred vision
- Dizziness, drowsiness
- Blood dyscrasias
- Headache
- Nephrotoxicity
- Hepatotoxicity
- GI distress, bleeding, or ulcer
- Rash
- Heart failure
- Dysrhythmias
- MI/stroke
- Hearing loss, blurred vision
- Photosensitivity
- Hyperglycemia
Management of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and dysmenorrhea
ADALIMUMAB: Nursing Considerations
- Treat latent tuberculosis before initiating therapy
- May reactivate hepatitis B in chronic carriers
- Rx
ADALIMUMAB: Side Effects
- Headache
- Hypertension, CHF
- Sinusitis
- GI bleeding
- Abdominal pain, nausea
- Hepatic damage
- Leukopenia
- Flulike symptoms
- Increased cancer risk
Management of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, Crohn disease, plaque psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis, and ulcerative colitis
PROBENECID: Nursing Considerations
- Give with milk, food, and antacids
- Encourage 8–10 glasses water/day
- Avoid alcohol, organ meats, gravy, legumes
- Avoid aspirin-containing products; may take acetaminophen
- Rx; Preg Cat B
PROBENECID: Side Effects
- Nausea
- Anorexia
- Apnea
- Hyperglycemia
- Skin rash
- Hemolytic anemia
- Drowsiness, headache
- Hypokalemia
- Bradycardia
- Hepatic necrosis
- Nephrotic syndrome
Treatment of hyperuricemia in gout and gouty arthritis, adjunct to penicillin treatment
COLCHICINE: Nursing Considerations
- Has analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects
- May be taken without regard to meals
- IV: infuse slowly; do not administer IM/subQ
- Encourage 10–12 glasses water/day
- Avoid grapefruit products, alcohol, organ meats, gravy, legumes
- Rx; Preg Cat C
COLCHICINE: Side Effects
- Signs of toxicity: abdominal cramp, weakness, nausea, vomiting
- Agranulocytosis
- Hematuria
- Renal damage
- Chills, dermatitis
- Diarrhea
Prevention and treatment of gouty arthritis; treatment of gout and Mediterranean fever
ALLOPURINOL: Nursing Considerations
- Encourage 10–12 glasses water/day
- Check CBC, renal and liver function tests before treatment
- Take with food
- Initial therapy can increase attacks of gout
- Avoid use of alcohol, eating organ meats, gravy, legumes
- Full therapeutic effect may require several months
- Management of patients with leukemia, lymphoma who are receiving chemotherapy that may increase uric acid
- Rx; Preg Cat C
ALLOPURINOL: Side effects…pendiente
ALLOPURINOL: Purpose…pendiente