Muscles of the Body Flashcards
Lab & Written
Obicularis Oculi
O: Round muscle around the eye
A: Closing the eye
Obicularis Oris
Round muscle around the lips
A: Lip pursing
O: Attached to the frontal lobe
A: raises eyebrows
Underneath eyes and masseter
A: pulls cheeks in (fish face).
O:Attached to the zygomatic bone
A: Pulls up corners of your mouth (smile)
Depressor labii inferiors
V below the lower lip
A: Pulls the lower lip down
O: Temporal bone
I: Mandible
A: Closing the mouth + pulling the mandible back
big muscle posterior jaw that runs up + down,
I: Mandible
A: raises mandible, most important for chewing in humans, pulls mandible forward
Big muscle in the neck going at an angle
O: Sternum
I: Temporal bone
A: flexes neck - if one contracts the neck is pulled to the side
Flat muscle in front of the neck, on top of the sternocleidomastoid
A: pulls down corners of lips (chinz face)
Pectoralis Major
O: Pones of the chest
I: Lateral end of humerus
A: Adducts & flexes arm
Pectoralis minor
A: Stabilizes the scapula
External Intercostal Muscles
O: Ribs 1-11
I: Immediately below the origin
A: Expanding the rib cage to breathe
Internal Intercostal Muscles
O: Ribs 1-11 costal cartilage
I: Immediately below the origin
A: Pull ribs together, contract rib cage, breathe out
Serratus anterior
A: Pulls the scapula towards the ribs
Rectus abdominis
A: flexes torso/abdomen,
contracts abdominal cavity (for) - defecation, childbirth, breathing out
Transverse abdominis
A: Contracts the abdominal cavity for rotation
External oblique
Up from midline towards back of ribs
A: Flexion, rotation, lateral flex
Internal obliques
down from midline towards iliac crest
A: Flexion, rotation, lateral flex, structural support
O: Processes of vertebrae
I: Scapula and occipital
A: Pulls the scapula down + in
* Extends the neck
* Antagonist to sternocleido mastoid
Latissimus Dorsi
I: Anterior of the humerus
A: Adduction of the arm at shoulder - like pec maj
* Extends arm (pulls back) - antagonist
Pulling down
Teres Major
- Below infraspinatus
- Weak adductor of arm
- Rotates the arm towards the body
Rotates arm away from the body
Over the scapula
Stabilizes scapula
Serratus posterior inferior
A: Pulls rib cage in
Contract thoracic cavity
For breathing out
under the neck and upper traps
Pulls back + stabilizes scapula
Erector Spinae
O: Lumbar & thoracic region
I: Processes of vertebrae
A: Extends torso & Standing up straight
A: Abducts the arm
Biceps Brachii
I: Radius
A: Flexes + supinates lower arm at the elbow, Lifts the radius
I: Ulna
A: Lifts the ulna
Triceps Brachii
I: Ulna
A: Extends the arm at the elbow
Antagonist to biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis
O: Distal humerus
I: Distal radius
A: Rotation + supination
Flexor capri radialis
Just medial to brachioradialis
Tendon touches hand under the thumb
A: Flexes + adducts the hand
Palmaris longus
In the middle of the forearm
A: Flexor of the hand (weak)
Flexor capri ulnaris
Along the ulna side of the arm
A: Flexes the hand at the wrist & Adducts hand
Extensor radialis longus
Back side of the arm
Radial side
Right next to brachioradialis
A: Extends the hand at the wrist & Abducts the hand
Extensor digitorum
back side of arm / digits + fingers
I: Phalanges
A: Extend digits
Extensor carpi ulnaris
back side of arm / wrist + ulna
A: Extends the hand at the wrist & Adducts hand
Gluteus Maximus
I: Femur
A: hip abduction and leg rotation & Postural - for standing
Lots of slow twitch
Adductor longus
Wider muscle under the gracilis
A: Adduct the legs
A: Adduct the legs
Inserts into the tibia to adduct the whole legs
middle narrow hamstring muscle
A: knee flexion
Biceps femoris
Lateral hamstring muscle
A: knee flexion
wider + medial, deep to the semitendinosus
A: knee flexion
A: leg crossing
Rectus femoris
Big middle quad
I: Tibia
A: Leg extension & knee flexion
Vastus medialis
Medial to rectus femoris
I: Tibia
A: Leg extension & knee flexion
Vastus lateralis
Lateral to rectus femorus
I: Tibia
A: Leg extension & knee flexion
Vastus intermedius
Deep, not on the models
I: Tibia
A: Leg extension & knee flexion
Tensor fascia latae
Muscle in the middle of the IT band
A: Abduction, flexion, + medial rotation
Iliotibial band
A: Attaching the tensor fascia latae and glutes to the tibia
Tibialis Anterior
shin muscle
A: Dorsiflex’s the foot
I: Calcaneus
A: More fast twitch muscles - running, walking, jumping (plantar flexion)
I: Calcaneus
A: More slow twitch fibers - postural + standing (plantar flexion)