Intro Lecture Flashcards
Know homeostasis, body planes + axis
What is it? What does it control?
Is active process of by which the body keeps many parameters in a narrow range
Ex: body temp (outside the body vs inside), blood sugar levels, concentrations of salt, O2 + CO2
Is not equilibrium
living organism + equilirium = death
Negative feedback
Definition + process
Occurs when the body detects a change in parameter, makes changes in the opposite direction thus maintaining homeostasis.
1. Stimulus produces a change in variable
2. Receptor detects change > sends signal to control center
3. Input (to control center) > compares levels
4. Output changes that need to be made
5. Effector - takes action that returns variable to the desired level
Control center
Is how the body does negative feedback.
Hypothalimus region of the brain.
Refers to what the body wants to maintain homeostasis of.
Responsible for detecting the level of a variable.
Positive Feedback
Occurs when the body detects a change in variable + makes bigger changes in the same direction.
This leads to fast changes but not homeostasis.
Ex: Blood clotting + childbirth
Body Axis
up towards the head
Body Axis
down towards the heels
Body Axis
Imaginary line separating left and right sides of the body.
Cuts through the nose + belly button
Body Axis
towards the midline
Body Axis
away from the midline
Body Axis
Ventral / torwards the front
Body Axis
Dorsal / towards the back
Body Axis
Applies to limbs only
towards the body
Anterior / Posterior for arm - assume hand is facing up
Body Axis
Applies to limbs only
away from the body
Anterior / Posterior for arm - assume hand is facing up
Body Axis
towards the inside of the body
towards the outside of the body
Body Planes
Sagittal Plane
Also called medial plane.
Cut to separate left from right.
Body Planes
Frontal Plane
aka coronal plane
Separates the front from back.
Body Planes
Transverse Plane
aka Horizontal plane
Separates the top from bottom.
Body Plane
Plane cut at an angle.