Muscles of Facial Expression Flashcards
Muscles of facial expression originate from bone and insert into the epi-dermis
Don’t go as far into the epi-dermis
Only go into the dermis
Which muscle of facial expression is the only muscle that isn’t paired?
Who am I:
Paired frontal and occipital bellies separated by a single flat fibrous sheet- epicranial aponeurosis
What is the name of the muscle that is deep to occipitofrontalis and orbicularis oculi?
Corregator Succli
What is the function of corregator succuli?
What is the function of occipitofrontalis?
What is the name of the muscle that circles the eye?
Obicularis oculi
What is the function of orbicularis oculi?
Closes eye, squeezes, directs tear flow
What is the name of the muscle on the actual eye lid?
Palpebral part of orbicularis oculi
Procerus muscle is an unpaired muscle with vertical fibres
Paired even though it doesn’t look like it
Which direction are the fibres oriented in nasalis muscle?
Where do the two heads of levator labii suprerioris aleque nasi insert?
One of the heads sings into alar of nostril, another head extends into upper lip
Two heads, two separate functions
Where do the muscles of the mouth insert into? How many are there?
7 muscles
What is modiolis and where does it extend from?
fibromuscular structure extending from skin to mucosa (palpable between finger and thumb)- anchoring point for muscles which move corners of mouth and adjacent structures
List the muscles of the mouth
Buccinator Levator anguli oris Depressor anguli oris Platysma Orbicularis oris Zygomaticus Major Risorious