Muscles 2 Flashcards
What is the first group of upper limb muscles?
Pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, deltoids
Where are the first group of upper limb muscles (Pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, deltoids)
Muscles that arise from the shoulder girdle and cross the shoulder joint to insert into the humerus
Where is the second group of upper limb muscles?
Movement at the elbow joint
What and where is the third group of UL muscles?
Muscles of the forearm, insert into the hand bones and cause their movement
What causes elbow flexion?
All anterior arm muscles
What are the arm muscles in decreasing strength?
Brachialis, biceps brachii, brachioradialis
What is the brachialis?
Lies deep to the biceps muscle and is as important as the biceps in elbow flexion
What and where is the brachioradialis?
A fairly week muscle that arises on the humerus and inserts into the distal forearm, it resides mainly on the forearm
What is the inflammation of the brachioradialis called?
Tennis elbow
What is special about the triceps brachii?
Is the only muscle fleshing out of the posterior humerus
What is the triceps brachii?
It is a powerful prime mover of elbow extension and is the antagonist of the biceps brachii
What do the lower limb muscles cause movement at?
Hip, knee, foot joints
What are the lower limb muscles for?
Specialized for walking and balancing for the body
What is special about the lower limb muscles?
They are among the largest, strongest muscles in the body
What is the gluteus maximus?
A superficial muscle of the hip that forms most of the buttock.
What does the gluteus maximus do?
It is a powerful hip extensor that acts to bring the thigh in a straight line with the pelvis
Where is the gluteus maximus?
It originates from the sacrum and iliac bones and runs to insert on the gluteal tuberosity of the femur
When is the gluteus maximus important?
For extending the hip when power is needed in climbing stairs and jumping
What is special about the gluteus medius?
The gluteus medius is an important site for injections of meds that are more than 5mL
What does the Iliopsoas do?
It is a prime mover of hip flexion, it also acts to keep the upper body from falling backward when standing erect
What are the adductor muscles?
A group of muscles that form the muscle mass at the medial side of each thigh
What do the adductor muscles do?
Adduct or press the thighs together
What is the hamstring group?
The muscles forming the muscle mass of the posterior thigh
What are the muscles in the hamstring group?
Biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus
Where does the name, hamstring come from?
The fact that butchers use their tendons to hang hams for smoking.
What is the sartorius?
A thin, strap-like muscle and is the most superficial muscle of the thigh
What does the sartorius do?
It is a weak thigh flexor
What does the quadriceps group consist of?
Rectus femoris and three vastus muscles that flesh out the anterior thigh
What does the quadriceps group do?
Acts a whole to extend the knee powerfully, ex: kicking a football
Where is the rectus femoris?
It crosses two joints, the hip and the knee, and it is on top of the vastus medialis
What does the rectus femoris do?
Helps flex the hip
WHat is the tibialis anterior?
A superficial muscle on the anterior leg
Where is the tibialis anterior?
It arises from the upper tibia and then parallels the anterior crest as it runs to the tarsal bones, where it inserts by a long tendon
What is the extensor digitorum longus and what does it do?
A prime mover of toe extension, a dorsiflexor of the foot, moves the toes towards the head
Where are the fibularis muscles?
They arise from the fibula and insert into the metatarsal bones of the foot
What do the fibularis muscles do?
The group as a whole plantar flexes the foot
What is the gastrocnemius muscle?
A two bellied muscle that forms the curved calf of the posterior leg
Where is the gastrocnemius muscle?
It arises by two heads, one from each side of the distal femur, it inserts through the large calcaneal (achilles) tendon into the heel of the foot
What does the gastrocnemius do?
It is a prime mover for plantar flexion of the foot, if its insertion tendon the foot drags since the heel cannot be lifted
What is a hernia?
A protusion of any organ or body part through the muscular wall which contains it
What are the 6 types of hernias?
Inuguinal, hiatal, femoral, umbilical, incisional, sports
What type of hernia is most common?
Inguinal hernias are most common in
What is an inguinal hernia?
The fascial wall which holds fat and intestines tears and protrudes into the groin
What is a hiatal hernia?
A defective diaphragm allows for some of the stomach to pass through the opening for the esophagus in the diaphragm into the thoracic cavity
Femoral hernias are usually in
What is a femoral hernia?
IT protrudes deep into the inguinal ligament and extends into the groin where the femoral artery passes into the thigh
What are umbilical hernias most common in?
Newborns, obese women, women with several pregnancies
Where is the umbilical hernia?
In the navel (belly button)
What are incisional hernias?
Results from weakening around a surgical wound which does not heal properly
What is a sports hernia?
Weakening of the abdominal wall, causing a protrusion, no tear actually happens in the lining of the abdomen