MT3 = Jesus' teachings and examples Flashcards
what is the Golden Rule?
treat others the way you would have them treat you
what does Jesus point to?
Jesus points the dignity of each person, regardless of their status in society, race, religion, nationality, or whether we like them or not
what does dignity mean?
the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect
what does Jesus use the parable of the good Samaritan for?
to point out clearly what he means by loving your neighbour, as historically there was sectarianism between Jews and Samaritans
why does Jesus make the Samaritan the main character in the Good Samaritan?
because he would be the last person Jewish people would expect to help the man who had been robbed, and the ones you would have expected to help walk on by
what is the parable of the Prodigal Son about?
it is all about forgiveness
who are the main 3 people the parable of the Prodigal son circle around?
the father, the dutiful son, the prodigal son
what does prodigal mean?
spending money or using resources carelessly
what is the key nature to God?
unconditional forgiveness
what is the message of the parable of the prodigal son?
that we must be unconditional in our forgiveness just as our father is
what image does Jesus use in the parable of the sheep and the goats?
he uses an image of separating sheep and goats because it would have been common to his listeners
why does Jesus use the image that he did in the parable of the sheep and the goats?
to get his followers to think about how people should take care of others
what are corporal works of mercy?
they are practices which are meritorious in Christian ethics
if God is our father, what does that make everyone else?
our brothers and sisters
what did Jesus teach?
-to put our relationship with God before everything else
-that God should be at the center of everything that we do
what was the new commandment Jesus gave to us?
love one another as i have loved you
what does the parable of the sheep and the goats show?
that on judgement day God will be more concerned with how people have lived, rather than how religious they were
what does the parable of the Prodigal son show?
that God is loving and forgiving and that we should forgive others, and that it is never too late to seek forgiveness and turn to God
what did Jesus teach us about revenge?
he taught us to turn the other cheek, and meet hatred and violence, with love and forgiveness
when did Jesus demonstrate his teachings?
when he prays to God at the start of his ministry and in the Garden of Gethsemane
why couldnt Jesus disciples heal the possessed boy?
because they failed to understand the importance of prayer
what does the parable of the sheep and the goats teach us to do?
-to uphold the dignity of all people
-love your neighbour
-love God over all else
-Called upon to act on our beliefs
what does the parable of the Good Samaritan teach us?
-the Kingdom of God calls upon us to take action
-must care for everyone, even those we dont like
what does the parable of the prodigal son teach us?
-God loves us unconditionally
-god forgives our sins
-God invites us into a relationship with him
-we must recognise our own sinfulness
what is the most important commandment?
love your god with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength
what is a parable?
a fictional story drawn from life or nature that gives people a glimpse into what cannot be fully known through their personal experiences
why did Jesus use parables?
-stories were easy to listen to, remember, and understand
-a popular method of teaching at the time
-direct teaching would have annoyed the religious authorities
-helped maintain the Messianic secret
what do christians belief about the kingdom of god?
-it is present in the lives of men and women who follow the teaching of Jesus
-it will be experienced fully at the end of time with the second coming of Christ
-Jesus is the Kingdom Of God in himself
what are the 7 corporal works of mercy?
-bury the dead
-visit the imprisoned
-welcome the stranger
-clothe the naked
-give drink to the thirsty
-feed the hungry
-visit the dead
what is the mission of the church?
to spread the good news as jesus taught his disciples to do
why do Christians follow Jesus’ teachings?
-he was an incarnation of God
-the incarnation makes him the ultimate role model
-believe it will make the world a better place
-may believe that they will be judged on how well they followed his teachings
why might some christians not follow jesus teachings?
-its not realistic to expect ordinary people to live like the son of God,
-humans are limited in what we can do for other people,
-its too hard to be loving and kind to be people who are hateful to us,
-many just wouldnt be able to or arent willing to give up their lives for their beliefs
why might some people say that Jesus’ teachings are still relevant in the 21st century?
-the teachings are universal and timeless
-some may say that the world needs the teachings more now than ever as it is full of suffering
-jesus’ parables are easy to understand and can be used as metaphors for situations we face in the modern day
-jesus taught us to value us to reach out to outcasts, this would allow more members of society to feel valued
why might some people say that Jesus’ teachings are NOT still relevant in the 21st century?
-the world that sees the individual as the most important
-Jesus’ teaching ‘turn the other cheek’ leaves you vulnerable to be walked all over
-people who are not religious are unlikely to see the relevance of the teachings as they do not live by them
-there are many people who claim to be christian, yet they do not behave in a way jesus taught them to
What was the new commandment Jesus gave us?
Love one another, as I have loved you, so you must love one another