MT 2 World History Flashcards
a period of 1000 years
a system in which people were given land and protection by people of higher rank and worked and fought for them in return
-the city on the eastern edge of Europe
-Constantine made it the capitol of the Roman Empire
-surrounded by water on 3 sides, easy to defend
-miles of walls to keep intruders out
-English Monarch’s had long claimed land in France
-English Kings had been feudal lords over the French fiefs
-Philip IV declared the French fiefs of Edward III were part of his own realm, war started
Hundred Year’s War
an outbreak of disease that spreads rapidly
a deadly contagious disease, transmitted by fleas on infected rats
-when blood mixes you become infected
-killed 1/3 of population
Black Death
was a stadium where chariot races would take place
-two rival teams: blues and greens
self-government independence
split of the two churches
cathedral created by the Eastern Orthodox church, serves as a model for Eastern churches
Hagia Sophia
a mongol tribal leader
a person who holds beliefs that are contrary to a set of religious teachings
-Ex. Joan of Arc
were a rank under the pope/emperor
-fever, vomiting, cough/sneezing fits, egg-sized swellings
-first started in Europe/Russia on boats, Europe blamed Jews
Bubonic Plague
500-1453 C.E.
-controlled Europe, Asia, and Africa
-conquered by the ottoman turks
-Constantinople is the capital after Constantine
Byzantine Empire
“icon smashing”
-people in the east saw that having icons of Jesus, Mary, and saints was wrong
-Leo III banned them
to officially exclude some one from that participation in the sacraments and exercises of the church, not allowed to go to heaven
-he created the rule that a jury must formally accuse a person of a serious crime and be tried before a royal judge
-helped strengthen the power of royal courts
-created the Constitutions of Clarendon, a document that spelled out the kings traditional rights
Henry II of England
-17 year old girl
-helped the French win the battle of Orleans, later on traded to England as a pawn
-England spoke of her as a heretic because she would talk to God to get the vision to win the battle
-burned at the stake because she won’t take anything back
Joan of Arc
-put taxes on everything
-was forced by the Catholic Church to sign the Magna Carta
John I of England
-greatest emperor of Byzantine
-created Justinian’s code
Justinian I
-created the Holy Roman Empire
-was crowned instead of Empress Irene
created Model Parliament
-King John’s grandson
-took a major step in including more people in government
Edward I of England
Justinian I’s wife
-convinced him to stay and fight, with her he was able to put down the revolt
What are the reasons that the Roman Empire fell?
political problems- all seized power by force, depends on soldiers for support
Economic and Social- raised taxes, not enough jobs, disease
Large Size- split into Eastern and Western halves
Germanic Tribes- attacked western empire
What are the differences between the three Islamic groups?
Shi’a: a minority branch that maintains loyalty to the caliph Ali and his descendants
Sunni: the majority branch of Islam, which accepted the rule of caliphs not form Muhammed’s descendants
Sufi: a mystical form of Islam
Why is the Arabic numeral system better than the Roman numeral system?
it is much easier to read and write, it allowed for the development of modern math
What long term effects did the Black Death have on Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries?
-1/3 of the people died
-trade and commerce slowed
-more demand for jobs, peasants could start to work
-after nobles wanted to return to normal, but peasants didn’t want that so it resulted to rebellions
What was the result of the Hundred Year’s War?
-shift in power from feudal lords to monarchs
-Military Technology: longbow, castles became less effective, start of gun powder use
-More loyalty to local lords than to their monarch
-Common people gained greater influence and power
What are the major details of the Hundred Year’s War? Who won?
-Europe won the first half because of the longbow, light armored soldiers, paid peasants to be soldiers
-France won overall
What are the accomplishments of Justinian I to make him one of “the greatest”?
-he stopped the revolt of the rebellion from the chariot races
-rebuilt Constantine
-Reclaimed Roman Empire lost territory
-Created Systemic body of law
What are the differences between the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches?
Eastern: the emperor is the top religious leader, Divine Liturgy, have many languages(greek), Hagia Sophia is what most churches look like, cities/trade/wealth
Roman Catholic: the highest religious leader is the Pope, spoke Latin, priests can’t marry, rural/poorer/agriculture
Why did the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches split?
-Crowning the Emperor
Who created the Holy Roman Empire?
a spiritual and political leader of the muslims
a governing body created by King Edward I that included some commoners, church officials, and Nobels
Model Parliament
signed by John I and allowed feudal lords to have less power
Magna Carta
received a tract of land or fief
Who declared war for the Hundred Year’s War?
King Philip IV from France on King Edward III of England
What qualities made Genghis Khan a successful ruler of the Mongolians?
-he organized his troops on the decimal system
-was a skilled military strategist
-he was ruthless
-trained fierce and strong horsemen