MSK Flashcards
Deep Neck Flexors
Longus capitis and colli
Rectus capitis
Cervical Flexors
Longus colli
Cervical Extension
Upper trap
splenius cervicis
ILS cervicis
cervical multifidi
Cervical Lateral Bending
Cervical Rotation
Shoulder Flexion
anterior deltoid
pec major (clavicular head)
biceps brachii
Shoulder Extension
posterior deltoid
lat dorsi
teres major
triceps brachii
Shoulder Abduction
middle deltoid
Shoulder Horizontal ABD
posterior deltoid
teres minor
Shoulder Horizontal ADD
anterior deltoid
pec major
Shoulder ER
teres minor
posterior deltoid
Shoulder IR
lat dorsi
teres major
pec major
anterior deltoid
Scapula Elevation
upper trap
levator scapulae
Scapular Depression
lat dorsi
lower trap
pec major and minor
Scapular Protraction
serratus anterior
pec minor
Scapular Retraction
middle trap
Scapular Upward Rotation
traps (upper and lower)
serratus anterior
Scapular Downward Rotation
levator scap
pec minor
Laminectomy post-surgical protocols
lifting restrictions
active motion restrictions, especially extension
Spinal Fusion post-surgical protocols
lifting restrictions
active motion restrictions, especially bending and twisting
formal PT ~6 weeks
THA post-surgical protocols
anterior approach:
- no extension, ER
-sleep on surgical side if in sidelying
posterior approach:
-no flex beyond 90, add, IR
-no twisting upper body in standing
-sleep on back first 6 weeks or in sidelying on nonsurgical side with pillow between knees
- no crossing legs
- avoid deep flexion (keep hips above knees)
TKA post-surgical protocols
TSA post-surgical protocols
protect subscapularis repair
-no active elevation, ER at 0 or 90, or resisted IR
-no WB through arms
-lifting/carrying precautions
SLAP repair protocols
avoid contracting or stretching biceps
no reaching behind back
no lifting or WB through arms
RTC repair protocols
immobilization period in sling
no AROM, lifting, or WB through arms for several weeks
ACLR protocols
period of immobilization (locked into extension)
- brace unlocked when patient can demonstrate good quad control
ROM- focus on restoring full extension
strengthening- initially isometric quad strengthening, hamstring strengthening, closed-chain exercises
*avoid open-chain exercises between 0-45 degrees of flexion should be avoided because it places excess stress on graft site (graft tisse most vulnerable between 6-8 weeks)
return to sport:
-no pain or effusion
-full ROM
-no instability
-quad 85-90% strength of unaffected
-hamstring 90-100% strength of unaffected
-functional leg test 85-90% of unaffected
UE Myotomes
C4: shoulder shrug
C5: shoulder abduction
C6: elbow flexion, wrist extension
C7: elbow extension, wrist flexion
C8: thumb extension
T1: finger abduction
UE Dermatomes
C4: collarbone
C5: anterolateral upper arm
C6: lateral forearm and thumb
C7: middle finger
C8: ulnar hand
T1: lateral forearm
T2: axilla
LE Myotomes
L2: hip flexion
L3: knee extension
L4: ankle DF
L5: great toe extension
S1: ankle PF
S2: knee flexion
ankle inversion: L4-5
ankle eversion: S1
LE Dermatomes
L1: groin
L2: anteromedial thigh
L3: medial knee
L4: anterior knee, medial leg, medial foot
L5: dorsum of foot
S1: lateral and plantar foot, posterolateral leg
S2: posteromedial thigh
S3-5: “saddle” area
Reflex Testing
C5: biceps brachii
C6: brachioradialis
C7: triceps brachii
L4: patella
S1: achilles