Mountain Flashcards
How many methods do you have for enroute performance in mountainous terrain?
method 1 and method 2
What is net altitude?
altitude at which the aircraft can maintain a 1.1% climb gradient based on its current weight, the airplane’s actual altitude capability (service ceiling or 0% climb gradient) is approximately 5,000 feet higher than the net altitude capability.
Describe method 1
lose engine anywhere from V1 to destination, net altitude capability will clear all obstructions 5 SM either side by 1,000 feet, aircraft must have positive net gradient at 1,500 feet above destination
Method 2
engine failure occurs, aircraft able to divert to at least one suitable airport from normal cruise altitude and the net driftdown altitude will clear all obstructions by 5 SM either side by 2,000 feet until reaching diversion airport, must have positive net gradient at 1,500 feet above diversion airport
What can you do to increase operating safety margin?
being on planned route, ice accumulation on unheated surfaces, use of ice protection systems when not planned, flying at optimum speeds, and enroute temp
Def of Method 1
reduces takeoff weight to ensure that if an engine failure occurs anywhere from v1 to the destination:
clear all obstacle 5 SM either side by 1,000 until reaching destination
will have a positive climb gradient at least 1,500 above the destination airport
What is M1METW
max allowable weight at which the aircraft can takeoff and still comply with Method 1
What variables does Method 1 take into account?
forecast winds & temps aloft
planned bleed use and ice protection configuration
What method is used for takeoff alternate?
method 1
If you lose an engine enroute at cruise altitude using method 2?
proceed DIRECT to driftdown alternate
Required for all driftdown alternates?
must meet alternate weather minimum criteria
Crew briefing subjects
Diversion alternate points
Driftdown considerations
Off route considerations
Once you deviate away from the planned route…
YOU ensure singe engine terrain clearance
What additional factors must be taken into consideration before accepting or requesting off route clearances?
grid MORAs
single engine service ceiling
driftdown calculations
Terrain clearance planning is ____ _____ if the flight leaves the planned route.