Ice/Rain Flashcards
How are ice detector probes powered
115 v AC
Describe bleed supply for airframe ice protection
2.2 air is used to cool 2.7 bleed air
Once cooled the bleed air goes to a controller and regulated to 18 PSI
at low engine power settings, 3.0 bleed air serves as the pneumatic source for de-ice boot operation
How is 3.0 system cooled
by the high stage precooler if valve commanded by sensor, then by deicing precooler, both by 2.2
What is a DDV
duel distributer valves, 6 ddvs inflate and deflate the six deicing boot sets
What does the Timer Management Unit (TMU) do?
Manages automatic boot inflation sequence, manages DDV and check valve heaters when airframe mode select set to off, slow or fast. TMU failure indicated by DEICE TIMER caution light
What happens when DDVs are not inflated
boots are held flush to leading edges by suction
Describe the SLOW and FAST selections on the airframe
Automatic Slow - 3 min cycle 36 secs of inflation 144 secs of dwell Automatic Fast - 1 min cycle 36 secs of inflation 24 secs of dwell
How does the DDV heat work?
Airframe OFF, SLOW or FAST
DDV heat activates below +5C
Aiframe manual
DDV heat on continuously
When will you get a deice press light?
Boot system pressure on either side is less than 15 psi (2 low pressure sensors),
DDV commands pressure to inflate boot but pressure is not sensed,
DDV commands to release pressure for boot deflation but pressure is sensed
What else is deice pressure used for?
regulated deice pressure for forward pax and aft cargo door seal inflation
operate ejector for pressurization system aft safety valve
How much of the blade is heated?
about 70%, powered by AC
When do you turn the prop heat on
TAT air temp at or below 5C and Np greater than 400, weight off wheels
What do the timer monitor control units do
monitors prop speed, monitors TAT (5C), monitors system for faults, controls timing and distribution of heat
What does turning the prop selector to ON or TEST do to the ED
changes the temperature gauge to change on the ED (0-65)
When will you get the prop deice light?
illuminates if TMCU detects limits unsafe for continued operation
What is the STBY Pitot tube used for
Engine intake adapter heaters work when?
engine running (oil press) heater thermostat closed (-15C) engine intake bypass doors open 115 AC flying spare
when will you get eng adpt heat light
Indicates both the primary and secondary heating elements in the respective engine adapter heater have failed
What is the windshield heat powered by?
115 v AC
What does the alternate pilot wiper system provide
provides back up for pilot side