Motor Exam Flashcards
Muscle strength quick screen
Resist abduction, adduction, flexion and extension at the shoulder, elbow, fingers, hip and ankle
Resist flexion and extension at elbow and knee
Pronator Drift
Patient flexes both shoulders to 90 degrees, extends elbows and fully supinates both forearms and closes eyes.
Inability to maintain this position for 30 seconds, with gradual pronation and downward drift of one arm = UMN lesion
What does more severe atrophy indicate?
LMN lesion
What does less severe atrophy indicate?
UMN lesion or disuse
Excessive resistance that not does not vary with the speed of the stretch
Passively flex and extend patient’s elbow, wrist, knee, ankle and neck
Modified Ashworth Scale 0:
no increase in muscle tone
Modified Ashworth Scale 1:
slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch or by minimal resistance as the end of ROM when the affected part(s) is moved in flexion or extension
Modified Ashworth Scale 1+
slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch, followed by minimal resistance throughout the remainder (less than half) of ROM
Modified Ashworth Scale 2
more marked increase in muscle tone through most or ROM, but affected parts easily moved
Modified Ashworth Scale 3
considerable increase in muscle tone, passive movement difficult
Modified Ashworth Scale 4
affected parts rigid in flexion or extension
Babinski sign present:
Babinski’s sign is present if the great toe extends, other toes may spread apart
Location of touch:
Tactile thresholds:
dermatone, peripheral nerve
Two point discrimination:
Bilateral Simultaneous Touch
a lesion in the parietal lobe contralateral to the side of the body where sensory extinction occurs.
this indicates a lesion in the contralateral parietal cortex or adjacent white matter.
Joint Movement and Joint position
Errors indicate dysfunction in the peripheral nerves, spinal cord, brainstem, or cerebrum.
large, Aβ peripheral nerve fibers and the dorsal column/medial lemniscus neurons.
lesion in the contralateral parietal cortex or adjacent white matter
Sharp prickling pain
lateral pain system
Romberg test pass/fail:
Moving arms or feet
Opening eyes
Beginning to fall or requiring assistance
Sensory ataxia romberg:
the person is able to maintain balance with EO for 30s but balance is impaired with EC
Sharpened Romberg:
Same as Romberg, but with one foot in front of the other foot
Phasic Stretch Reflex 0:
absent despite reinforcement
Phasic Stretch Reflex 1+:
slight reflex, present but depressed, low normal
Phasic Stretch Reflex 2+:
normal typical reflex
Phasic Stretch Reflex 3+
brisk reflex, possibly but not necessarily abnormal
Phasic Stretch Reflex 4+
very brisk, abnormal, clonus