Basal Ganglia Disorders Flashcards
Most common basal ganglia diseases:
Parkinson’s disease, Huntington Chorea and dystonias (including drug induced dyskinesias)
What do basal ganglia involve impairments in:
Muscle tone
Movement coordination and motor control
Postural stability
Presence of extraneous movement
What are dorsal or sensorimotor basal ganglia composed of:
Caudate nucleus
Globus pallidus
What are the two brainstem nuclei involved?
Substantia nigra
Subthalmic nucleus
Relationship of the BG to Movement and Posture:
Automatic Movement Motor Problems Movement initiation and preparation Postural Adjustments Perceptual and Cognitive Functions
What do basal ganglia diseases result in?
difficulty initiating, continuing, or stopping movement
difficulty with muscle tone (particularly rigidity), and increased involuntary movements (tremor, chorea
Symptoms of basal ganglia disease:
Movement changes, such as involuntary or slowedmovements Increased muscle tone Muscle spasms and muscle rigidity Memory loss Problems finding words Tremor Uncontrollable, repeated movements, speech, or cries (tics) Walking difficulty
Parkinson’s Disease
Chronic progressive disease of the CNS with degeneration of dopaminergic substantia nigra neurons and nigrostriatal pathways
What does the loss of inhibitory dopamine result in?
excessive excitatory output from cholinergic system (acetycholine) of BG
Earliest signs of PD:
occur in the enteric nervous system
Medulla: particularly the olfactory bulb
NON-motor symptoms can precede motor symptoms
Classic symptoms of PD:
Rigidity (leadpipe or cogwheel)
Bradykinesia (hypokinesia)
Resting tremor
Impaired postural reflexes
When does resting temor appear?
Appears when muscles are relaxed: when hands are in lap or arms loosely held at the side
Where is resting tremor most common?
unilateral hand or foot
What exacerbates resting tremor?
stress or excitement
Inflexibility & stiffness of limb, neck & trunk
Where is rigidity most common in PD?
neck, shoulder, and leg
Rigidity can lead to:
decreased ROM
decreased arm swing
Secondary Motor Symptoms:
Freezing Micrographia Mask-Like Expression Unwanted Accelerations Stooped posture Dystonia Swolling difficulty Slurred speech Soft speech
Pre-Diagnostic Signs of PD
Olfactory function PD patients prefer sweets! Autonomic function Incontinence, constipation, erectile dysfunction Sleep function REM sleep disorder Vivid dreams/acting out dreams Emotional/Cognition Depression, Apathy
Hoehn and Yahr 1:
unilateral involvement, usually with minimal or no functional disability
Hoehn and Yahr 2:
bilateral or midline involvement without impairment of balance
Hoehn and Yahr 3:
bilateral disease: mild to moderate disability with impaired postural reflexes; physically independent
Hoehn and Yahr 4:
severely disabling disease; still able to walk or stand unassisted
Hoehn and Yahr 5:
confinement to bed or wheelchair unless aided