Final Flashcards
Sustained attention
ability to attend to a task w/o redirection; determine time on task, frequency of redirection
Divided attention
ability to shift attention from one task to another; assess ability of dual task control; assess also for perseveration (mental inertia); getting stuck on a task
Focused attention
a. ability to stay on task in prescience of detractors; assess impact of environmental versus internal detractors
Mini Mental Exam
Used to test cognitive dysfunction
Mini Mental Exam 21-24:
mild cognitive impairment
Mini Mental Exam 16-20:
Mini Mental Exam 15 or less
Rancho Level I:
No Response: Total Assistance
No responses to pain, touch sound or sight
Rancho Level II:
Generalized Reflex Response: Total Assistance
general responses to all stimuli
but not purposeful
Rancho Level III:
Localized Response: Total Assistance
consistent responses specific to stimulus (withdraws from pain, turns toward sound)
Rancho Level IV:
Confused/Agitated: Maximal Assistance Alert Aggressive or bizarre behaviors Motor activities may be non purposeful Extremely short attention span Decreased attention with overstimulation
Rancho Level V:
Confused, Inappropriate Non-Agitated: Maximal Assistance
Highly distractible, continual redirection
Not oriented to person, place or time
Very impaired short term memory
Social conversations with inappropriate verbalizations
Rancho Level VI:
Confused, Appropriate: Moderate Assistance
Inconsistently oriented to person, time and place
Long term memory better than short term
Emerging awareness of appropriate response to self, family and basic needs
Unaware of impairments, disabilities and safety risks, max assist for new learning
Consistently follows simple directions
Rancho Level VII:
Automatic, Appropriate: Minimal Assistance for Daily Living Skills
Patient appropriate and able to learn new tasks
Overestimates abilities
Difficulty with future planning or responding to new/different situations.
Needs structure to function well
Rancho Level VIII:
Purposeful, Appropriate: Stand-By Assistance
Improved self awareness and ability to plan and cope with changes
Continues to be easily frustrated or angered with challenges
Rancho Level IX
Assistance may be required at times
Patient able to ask for assistance
Ranch Level X
Independent with a few modifications walking independently with a walker
using bedrails to sit up in bed
Ideomotor apraxia
pt can perform the task on command, but can do the task when left on own
Ideational apraxia
pt cannot perform the task at all, either on command or on own
Modified Ashworth 0
no increase in muscle tone
Modified Ashworth 1
minimal resistance to end ROM
Modified Ashworth 1+
minimal resistance through less than 1/2 ROM
Modified Ashworth 2
increase in muscle tone through most ROM, affected part easily moved
Modified Ashworth 3
passive movement difficult