Motor control lab Flashcards
What is a stretch reflex?
a stretch reflex causes contraction of a skeletal muscle (the effector) in response to stretching of the muscle
Describe the stretch reflex arc
A monosynaptic reflex arc
How does a stretch reflex occur?
by activation of a single sensory neuron that forms one synapse in the CNS with a single motor neuron
How can stretch reflexes be elicited?
by tapping on the tendons attached to muscles at the elbow, wrist, knee and ankle joints
What are muscle spindles?
sensory receptors in the muscle that monitor changes to the length of the muscle
Describe the stretch reflex
- slight stretching of the muscle stimulates muscle spindles
- muscle spindles generate nerve impulses that propagate along a somatic sensory neuron through the dorsal root of the spinal nerve and into the spinal cord
- In the cord (integrating center), the sensory neuron makes an excitatory synapse with and activates a motor neuron in the ventral gray horn
- If impulse is strong enough, impulses will arise in the motor neuron and propagate along its axon to the muscle
- Acetylcholine is released at the neuromusculor junction, triggering APs to contract the muscle
Where does a motor neuron axon extend?
extends from the spinal cord into the anterior root and through peripheral nerves to the stimulated muscle
What is an ipsilateral reflex?
sensory nerve impulses enter the spinal cord on the same side from which motor
nerve impulses leave it.
All monosynaptic reflexes are
How does the stretch reflex prevent injury?
Preventing the overstretching of muscles
How is muscle tone maintained?
- large-diameter motro neurons innervate typical skeletal muscle, while smaller diameter motor neurons innervate smaller specialised muscle fibers within the muscle spindles
- This allows regulation from the brain
- By adjusting how vigorously a muscle spindle responds to stretching, the brain sets an overall level of muscle
What is the function of proprioceptors in the joints?
Sensors that provide information about joint angle, muscle length, and muscle tension, (i.e position of the limb in space)
How is information from proprioceptors received in the brain?
APs reach the cerebellum and transmits this into information allowing adjustment and fine tuning of coordination
what are muscle spindles?
found in skeletal muscle and provide information about changes in muscle lengths and participate in stretch reflexes
Where are muscle spindles most predominant?
In the muscles of the limbs
Describe the muscle spindle structure
- Each muscle spindle consists of several slowly adapting sensory nerve endings that wrap around specialized
muscle fibers, called intrafusal muscle fibers (intrafusal = within a spindle). - A connective tissue capsule encloses the sensory nerve endings and intrafusal fibers and anchors the spindle to
the endomysium and perimysium