More Stuff to review Flashcards
CSF exits the 4th ventrical laterally from the foramen of _______ into the _____________
Foramen of Luschka into the subarachnoid space
CSF exits the 4th ventrical medially from the foramen of _______ into the _____________
Foramen of Magendie into the subarachnoid space
From here it drains into the central canal of the spinal cord
The internal carotid arteries supply the ______
including the Cerebrum, Choroid Plexus, Thalamus, and Hippocampus
The posterior inferior cerebellar artery is a branch of the _________ and supplies __________
Vertebral artery
Supplies the medulla and cerebellum
The posterior cerebral artery is a branch of the ________ and supplies the
Branch of the basiliar artery
midbrain, diencephalon, hippocampus, thalamus, occipital lobe, temporal lobe
The middle cerebral artery is a branch of the _______ and supplies the _______-
Branch of internal carotid artery
globus pallidus, putamen, most lateral hemisphere, internal capsule, caudate
The anterior cerebral artery is a branch of the ________ and supplies ___________
Branch of internal carotid
supplies choroid plexus, Visual pathway, putamen, thalamus, capsule hippocampus
What areas of the brain do the vertebral arteries supply?
occipital, inferior temporal lobes, brain stem, cerebellar region, and spinal cord (basically the back and bottom of the brain whereas the internal carotid supplies the front)
A block to the ____ artery causes locked in syndrome, paralysis, and tetraplegia, loss of conciousness, or death
Basiliar artery
a clot to the anterior spinal artery will cause…..
paralysis, quadriplegia, autonomic dysfunction, loss of pain, temperature
If a blood clot blocks the vertebral artery what would occur?
head and neck pain, oculomotor abnormalities, death, abnormal levels of consciousness, ataxia, weakness, numbness, dizziness, H/A, vomitting
If a blood clot blocks the posterior cerebral artery what would occur?
declarative memory, pain, contralateral hemiparesis/hemisensory loss, eye movements, cortical blindness
What drains to the confluence of sinuses?
straight sinus, occipital sinus, and the superior sagittal sinus
The cavernous sinus drains into…..
Superior and inferior petrosal sinus
What sinus drains the diencephalon?
straight sinus
The great vein of galen drains into the _______
Straight sinus
What drains into the great vein of galen?
Superior cerebellum, interpeduncular fossa, inferior horn of the lateral ventricle, parahippocampal gyrus, corpus callosum, midbrain, and choroid plexuses of the third and lateral ventricles
The inferior sagittal sinus drains into the ________
Straight sinus
The optic nerve has no nuclei, but it’s fibers originate in the ______
Describe the nucleus/nuclei location of the olfactory nerve
No nucleus. Bulb is in forebrain.
Where is the nucleus of the occulomotor nerve?
Mid brain at the level of superior colliculus
Where is the nucleus of the trochlear nerve found?
Found at the mid brain, at the level of the inferior colliculus
Trigeminal nucleus location?
(lots of places, im just going to remember these 2)
Upper Pons, Lateral reticular formation
Abducens nucleus location?
Lower Pons
Facial nerve nucleus location?
Lower Pons
Vestibulocochlear nucleus location?
Pons-Medulla transition
Glossopharengeal nerve nucleus location?
Nucleus location of the vagus nerve?
Nucleus location of the spinal accessory nerve?
Ventral horn of C1-C5
Nucleus locaton of the hypoglossal nerve?
The dorsal column crosses in the __________
Internal arcuate fibers in the medulla
The anterior spinothalamic pathway crosses in the _______
Anterior commissure in spinal cord (same level it enters)
The spino-emotional,spino-mesencephalic, spino-reticular, and spino-emotional fibers cross where?
In the spinal cord (same level it enters)
Where does the posterior spinocerebellar tract cross?
Bonus Q: What is it’s nucleus called!
Where does the cuneocerebellar tract cross?
What tract is associated with clarks nucleus and where is it located?
Dorsal Spinocerebellar, C8/T1 - L2
Where does the first and second order neuron synapse at the cuneocerebellar tract?
Lateral cuneate nucleus in medulla
Where does the rostrospinocerebellar tract cross?
No crossing
Where does the rostrospinocerebellar tract relay information from?
Cervical spine + T1
(it’s an internal feedback tract, it doesn’t leave the CNS)
Within the grey matter of the cortex, ________ cells are the primary motor output cells
Pyramidal cells
Motor tracts in the brainstem are called ______ fibers
The corticospinal tract is for what?
Laterally- Fractional/distal movement
Medially- Automatical trunk movements
What is the corticobulbar tract for?
What is the reticulospinal tract for?
posture/coordination of limbs
what is the vestibulospinal tract for?
Medial- head control
Lateral- neck extensors
Where does the rubrospinal tract cross?
where does the lateral corticospinal tract cross?
medulla at pyramidal decussation
What is the flexor-extensor rule?
MN that innervate flexor are POSTERIOR
MN that innervate extensors are ANTERIOR
What is the proximal-distal rule?
MN that innervate distal muscles are lateral to MN that innervate proximal muscles
80-90% of the corticospinal fibers are _______
Lateral corticospinal
The lateral corticospinal tract originates from the ______ motor cortex, whereas the medial corticospinal tract originates from the _____ cortex
lateral - primary motor cortex
medial- pre motor cortex
Where does the raphespinal tract originate?
Raphe nucleus in upper medulla
What motor tract originates in the cortex motor areas, and activates the nucleus of Cranial nerves which control the spinal accessory, facial, hypoglossal, and glossopharyngeal nerves
(basically this tract does motor function at the face)
Corticobulbar tract
What spinal tract releases norepinerphine for tonic faciliation of muscle contraction?
Ceruleospinal tract
What is the purpose of the premotor cortex
Prepares for multijoint movement
What is the purpose of the supplementary motor cortex
Active prior to initiating movements that require sequence
True or false: The cortibulbar tract and the LATERAL corticospinal tract arises from ALL 3 motor areas of the cortex
True. It arises from the Supplementary motor cortex, The premotor cortex, and the primary motor cortex.
meanwhile the medial CST only arises from premotor cortex
Identify this structure
Optic Chiasm
Identify this structure
Optic Tract
Occulomotor nerve
Trochlear nerve
Spinal accessory
Facial Nerve
Identify the top and bottom structure
Parts of the Dura matter
Top: Falx Cerebri
Bottom: Tentorium Cerebelli
What is the function of the pons?
unconscious processes like sleep-wake cycle and breathing
What is the function of this area?
Parahippocampal gyrus
For spatial awareness and memories
What is this foramen and what goes through it?
Foramen lacerum
Filled with cartilage
What artery travels through this groove?
Middle meningeal artery
What travels through this groove?
superior petrosal sinus
What is this foramen and what travels through it?
Stylomastoid foramen
Facial nerve exits through here because it’s connected to the internal auditory meatus
Identify this structure and it’s purpose
Corpus Callosum
Made of comissural fibers to allow both sides of the brain to communicate
What are the 2 pyramidal tracts?
Corticospinal and corticobulbar
What tract crosses at the pyramidal decussation in the medulla?
Ventral median fissure
Also note the existence of the other fissures!
In the body, the ______ is the most lateral portion of the CNS
Spinal nerve
True or false: The dorsal and ventral rami are a part of the PNS
Identify this tract (Yellow)
Propriospinal tract (contained entirely within spinal cord)
What side of the brain is the Broca’s and Wernicke’s area found in (speech)
Where do the 1st/2nd order neurons of the Gracile Fasciculus synapse?
In the lower medulla- Gracile Nucleus
Where do the 2nd order neurons of the gracile fasciculus start and end?
Start in medulla at the gracile fasciculus and go to the thalamus
Where does the 3rd order neuron of the gracile fasciculus starts and ends where?
Thalamus to Cortex
Where do the 1st and 2nd order neurons synapse for the Posterior Spinocerebellar tract?
1st synapse at Clark’s nucleus in c8/t1-l2
AKA Rexed laminae 7
The posterior spinocerebellar tract goes through the ______ peduncle to the cortex
The anterior spinocerebellar tract goes through the ______ peduncle to the cortex
Posterior goes through inferior
Anterior goes through superior
What is the function of the anterior spinocerebellar tract
Monitors motor signals from interneurons and descending motor neurons and modulates them
Where does the anteriolateral tract first synapse?
Bonus be specific
Dorsal Horn
Bonus: substantia gelatinosa
Where is the 2nd spot that the anterior-lateral spinothalamic tract synapses?
Describe the path of the 2nd order neurons of the anteriolateral tract
From dorsal horn -> through anterior commissure -> up spinal cord -> synapses in thalamus
Describe the pathway of the 3rd order neurons of the Anteriolateral spinothalamic tract
From thalamus to somatosensory cortex
What are the 4 Medial motor tracts?
Medial cortiospinal + medial vestibulospinal + lateral vestibulospinal + reticulospinal
After a brain injury, the reticulospinal tract can cause…
Abnormal synergies due to activation without adjustment from corticospinal tract
Where does the medial corticospinal tract start?
Pre motor cortex
Describe the pathway of the lateral corticospinal tract
Primary motor cortex -> medulla (crosses in pyramidal decussation) -> descends spinal cord -> synapses at interneurons and LMN in ventral horn
What tract releases seratonin?
The 1st and 2nd order neurons for the Cuneocerebellar synapse where?
Lateral Cuneate Nucleus in Medulla
What part of the brain does “Declarative memory”
Parahippocampal gyrus
What is region 1 and what tract runs through here?
Substantia Gelatinosa
Spinothalamic tracts
What is region 2, and what tract runs through here?
Clarke’s nucleus
Posterior spinocerebellar
What is region 3 and 4 and what tract runs through here
3- Lateral motor nuclei (contains lateral corticospinal tract)
4- Medial motor nuclei (Contains medial corticospinal tract)
Identify this
Pyramidal Decussation
Identify this and what it does
substantia nigra in upper midbrain
Makes dopamine
Identify this
Intermedialateral cell column in thoracic
mediates the sympathetic innervation of the body
Identify this, and is it more associated with a venous system leak or an arterial system leak?
Epidural hematoma
FAST Arterial
Identify this, and is it more associated with a venous system leak or an arterial system leak?
Subdural hematoma
SLOW venous leak
Identify 1 and 2 and their significance
1: Lateral Motor Nuclei- lateral Distal muscle nerves
2: Medial Motor Nuclei- Medial proximal muscle nerves
What vertebral level corresponds with the lumbar enlargement?
What structure runs here?
Posterior spinal artery
What structure runs here?
Anterior spinal artery
What structure comes out here?
Dorsal root
What structure comes out here?
ventral root
1st order neurons of spinothalamic tract synapse in the _____________
Substantia gelatinosa