More Complex Molecular Structures/3D Molecular Structures Flashcards
Line structures
only C-C bonds are shown, element symbols and C-H bonds are omitted
What do conjunctions and end points of lines in line structures represent?
Carbon atoms
Is formal charge necessary to add to line structures? Why?
Yes because it is needed to account for all electrons since they are not all explicitly shown
Isometric structures/isomers
when more than 1 molecular structure corresponds to the same molecular formula
What determines if a structure is an isomer?
if they are able to switch between each other at room temperature, they are isomers. if they cannot they are isomers
Constitutional isomers
compounds with the same molecular formula but different atomic connectivity
What are the characteristics of constitutional isomers?
constitutional isomers can have varying chemical and physical properties
Functional group
specific structure that has similar chemical properties whenever it is present in a molecule
a small group that may reappear in different functional groups
Main chain
longest continuous chain of C in a molecule
Alkyl group
hydrocarbon branches attached to the main chain
tendency of an atom in a molecule to attract bonding electron density
Electronegativity trend
increases left to right, decreases down a group
Valence bond theory
a model that focuses on the formation of individual chemical bonds, such as the formation of a sigma bond between 2 atoms within a polyatomic molecule
Hybrid orbitals
combinations of valence atomic orbitals that emphasize concentration of electron density in specific directions
sp hybridized orbitals
combining the valence s AO with one of the valence p AOs yields 2 degenerate sp hybrid orbitals
Geometry of sp orbitals
linear, 180º
sp2 hybridized orbitals
combining one valence s AO and 2 valence p AOs produces 3 degenerate sp2 hybrid orbitals
Geometry of sp2 orbitals
trigonal planar, 120º; lie closer energetically to the p AO
sp3 hybridized orbitals
combining one valence s AO and all 3 valence p AOs produces 4 degenerate sp3 hybridized orbitals
Geometry of sp3 orbitals
tetrahedral, 109.5º
How does a sigma bond form
one unpaired electron overlaps with a hybrid orbital with one unpaired electron (any type of hybrid orbitals)
How does a pi bond form
2 unhybridized p atomic orbitals overlap; above and below the plane of the molecule
features of a sigma bond
the most stable bond, orbitals need to change shape, can be rotated around and not broken
Wedge-dash notation
straight lines represent bonds in the plane of the page/screen, solid wedges represent bonds coming towards you out of the plane, dashed wedges represent bonds going away from you behind the plane
Bent’s rule
a hybrid orbital on a central atom has a greater p character the greater the electronegativity of the other atom forming a bond
all hybrid orbitals are around the same nucleus; found in an atom in a molecule, not lone atoms
Characteristics of hybridized orbital overlap
Energy decreases, becomes more stable, orbitals will change shape
When will a pi bond form?
if there are two unhybridized p orbitals that overlap, cannot form from sp3