mom - baby : powerpoint study Flashcards
when is conception possible
2-2 days before ovulation and 1 day after ovulation
what do pap smears test for?
assess for abnormal cervical cells
recommended every 3 years in 20s and 30s and every 5 years in 30s - 60s
annually if there is a history of abnormal paps
what is used to test for HSV 1 and 2
a viral culture
what is used to test for gonorrhea and chlamydia
NAAT culture tests
What is used to test for HIV
ELISA serum tests
What is the benefit of folic acid?
prevents neural tube defects in the fetus
what are the presumptive signs of pregnancy
amenorrhea, n/v, urinary frequency, quickening uterine enlargement, pigmentation changes
what are the probable signs of pregnancy
goodells, hegars, and Chadwicks sign, ballottement, braxton hicks, positive pregnancy test
what are the positive signs of pregnancy
fetal heart sounds, outline and movement on ultrasound
risks for post-term fetus
LGA, passing meconium, risk of still birth if born over 41 weeks.
what is an omphalocele
a birth defect that causes infants intestines, liver, or other organs to be outside of the belly button
when do moms feel the first fetal movement
primigravida, 16-18 weeks, multipara 12-14 weeks
what is the function of amniotic fluid
amniotic fluid surrounds the growing fetus in the womb and protects the fetus from injury and temp changes, also allows for freedom of fetal movement and promotes musculoskeletal development
poly = too much fluid
oligo = too little fluid
normal weight gain in pregnancy
average 25 - 35 lbs, obese women will likely gain less than 15 lbs
effects of smoking on the growing fetus
SGA, risk of still birth and placental abruption increase
labs in early pregnancy
NOB tests, ABO, CBC, hep B, HIV, RPR, Gc/Cl, rubella, AFP less than 15 weeks
what does MSAFP test for
neural tub defects, trisomy 21, and trisomy 18
What is surfactant
Surfactant is released from the lung cells and spreads across the tissue that surrounds the alveoli. This substance lowers the surface tension which keeps the alveoli from collapsing after exhalation and makes breathing easy
how is the fetus oxygenated while in utero
the placental 2 areteries and 1 umbillical vein
fetal development stages
embryonic 5th-10th week
fetal 11th week until birth
what is the appropriate fundal height for 12 weeks of gestation
12 or just above the pubic bone
36-38 weeks appropriate fundal height
fundus is usually right up under sternum 36-38
fundal height for 40 weeks gestation
fundus drops below 38 week level as presenting part drops down into pelvis
what is the normal fetal heart rate range
what is a biophysical profile
measures fetal breathing movements, body movement, fetal tone, reactive fetal heart rate, qualitative amniotic fluid volume
what conditions will amniocentesis detect
down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, and spina bifida
intrauterine resuscitation
steps: O2, no Pitocin, position changes
baby needs oxygen and support if FHT does not stabilize a c-section would be called
vegetarian and vegan diets in pregnancy need what supplementation
b12 and iron supplement, do not have dairy 2 hours before or 2 hours after iron
what is the first line of management for GERD in pregnancy
lifestyle modification, small frequent meals
what is hyperemesis gravidarium
uncontrollable n/v, goals are basically nutrition via IV and slowly returning to PO
what maternal positions will facilitate fetal oxygenation
left side lying
the first action in placenta previa
oxygen and FHT
what is the purpose of RhoGAM
prevents sensitization in the Rh negative mom who have Rh positive baby given at 28 weeks
given 72 hrs postpartum to mom with rh positive baby
given in pregnancies that end early via abortion
considerations for patients on magnesium sulfate
fall risk, seizure precautions, have calcium gluconate on hand
what intervention would you expect to provide the patient in preterm labor
trying to stop, give terbutaline and if you cant steroids are given to try to mature the baby lungs (betamethasone)
testing with preterm labor
fetal fibronectin to predict if ptl will result in labor
what are tocolytic medications used for
used to slow down contractions, mag sulfate, indomethacin, and nifedipine
what is gestational hypertension
when bp is higher than 140/90
what are goals and interventions for a patient with preeclampsia
make sure their BP and bile acids stay low enough to not progress into eclamptic seizures
what is HELLP syndrome
a serious complication of high blood pressure during pregnancy
hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count
usually develops in the 37th week of pregnancy but can occur shortly after delivery
symptoms include n/v, headache, belly pain, swelling
what is a contraindication for an epidural
low platelets, HELLP syndrome, hypotension
what is given to patient prior to an epidural
a fluid bolus to help with low bp
what is not a phase of the menstrual cycle
for COC what suppresses FSH and LH to suppress ovulation
what acronym represents a type of infection that can cross the placenta and effect the fetus
What does untreated chlamydia cause
ectopic pregnancy and infertility
a baby was born to a mother with untreated chlamydia, what is the newborn at risk for?
conjunctivitis, blindness, pnuemonia