Mom - Baby: Module 1 flashcards
Birth Rate definition
the ratio of the number of total live births to the total population; expressed as birth per 1,000 population
fertility rate definition
the number of pregnancies per 1,000 biologic women of childbearing age
neonatal death rate definition
the number of deaths per 1,000 lives births occurring at birth or in the first 28 days of life
perinatal death rate definition
The number of deaths during the perinatal time period (beginning when a fetus reaches 500 g, week 20 of pregnancy, and ending about 4-6 weeks after birth). the sum of fetal and neonatal rates
maternal mortality rate definition
The number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births that occur as a direct result of the reproductive process
childhood mortality rate
the number of deathers per 1,00 population in children aged 1 - 14 years
What is influencing maternal childcare?
Families containing fewer members, the number of single parents increasing, 90% percent of women now working outside of the home, the number of homelessness increasing, families being more informed, family violence increasing, balancing quality and cost containment in healthcare
What influences the changes in types of care to support maternal child health issues
age of mother, parity, health status, support network, financial situation
2020 national health goals for pregnancy
increase quality and years of life
eliminate health disparities
counseling for health promotion and disease prevention
cultural diversity
environmental health
public health systems
global health
strategies for smoking cessation
nicotine replacement therapy
important things to consider to help a patient choose a contraception method
personal values
ability to use the method correctly
financial factors
short term or long term relationship
prior experiences
future plans
expectations about menstrual cycles
contraindications for oral contraceptives
poor memory
cigarette smoker
liver disease
undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
contraindications for an IUD
valvular heart disease
retroflexed or irregular shaped uterus
undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
contraindications for depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA)
liver disease
undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
lactation amenorrhea method
during breastfeeding there is a natural suppression of ovulation and menses, failure rate between 1% - 5%
infant must be 6 months of age
being totally breastfed every 4 hours during the day and 6 hours at night
receiving not supplementary feeding
menses has not returned
coitus interruptus
withdrawal, not effective as spermatozoa may be deposited into the vagina during pre-ejaculation
post-coital douching
not effective
fertility awareness methods
Relyon detecting when a person will be capable of impregnation and use periods of abstinence in that time.
calendar method
To calculate “safe” days subtract 18 days from the shortest cycle documented, representing the last fertile day. if they have 6 menstrual cycles ranging from 25-29 days, the fertile period would be from the 7th day to the 18th day.
basal body temperature method
the day before ovulation a person bbt falls 0.05 degrees, at the time of ovulation bbt rises 1 degree.
take temperature each morning
standard days method, cycle beads
the method is designed for people who have menstrual cycles between 26 and 32 days.
ovulation detecting kit
an over the counter kit that detects LH
causes death to spermatozoa before they can entire the cervix
contraindicated with acute cervicitis
a circular rubber disk that is placed over the cervix before intercourse.
return to pcp for fitting after pregnancy, miscarriage, cervical surgery, or 15lb weight gain or loss
should remain in place for 6 hours after coitus and can be left for 24 hours
diaphragms contraindications
history of TSS
allergy to rubber or spermicides
history of recurrent UTI’s
diaphragm patient teaching
wash hands thoroughly before insertion or removal
do not use during menstrual period
be aware of TSS symptoms such as elevated temp, n/v, diarrhea, muscle aches and a sunburn-like rash
cervical cap
a soft rubber thimble high failure rate
many people cannot wear
monophasic pills
contain both estrogen and progestin throught a 21 day cycle
biphasic preparations
deliver a constant amount of estrogen throughout the cycle but varying amounts of progestin
triphasic and tetra phasic preparations
both vary in both estrogen and progestin throughout the cycle
oral contraceptive benefits
its causes less of…
premenstrual dysphoric syndrome
endometrial and ovarian cancer, cysts, ectopic pregnancies
fibrocystic breast disease
osteoporosis, endometriosis, uterine myomata, and rheumatoid arthritis
colon cancer
side effects of oral contraceptives
weight gain
breast tenderness
breakthrough bleeding
monilial vaginal infections
mild hypertension
estrogen-based oral contraceptive use contraindications
breastfeeding, less than 6 months post partum
35 years of older and smoking
multiple risk factors for arterial cardiovascular disease
major surgery
current breast cancer or diabetes with complications
subdermal hormonal implants
a progestin-filled miniature rod, implanted into the skin inside the upper arm
contraindications of subnormal hormonal implants
irregular menstrual cycle, heavy bleeding, spotting, breakthrough bleeding, amenorrhea, depression, scarring at the insertion site
IM injections
DMPA given every 12 weeks and inhibits ovulation and thickens cervical mucous
almost 100% accurate
DMPA side effects
headache, weight gain, depression, irregular or heavy menstrual cycles, may impair glucose intolerance
a small plastic device than can either be hormonal or non-hormonal
contraindications for IUD
uterine cramping for 2-3 weeks after insertion
distorted shaped uterus
uterine anomaly or multiple large fibroids
tubal litigation
The fallopian tubes are occluded by cautery is a laparoscopic procedure
tubal litigation post-op
Discharged within a few hours post-procedure may have abdominal discomfort and bloat.
complications include bowel perforation, hemorrhage, umbilical hernia, or ureter perforation
may have coitus 2-3 days post-op
emergency postcoital contraception
high dose of progestin based pills
insertion of a copper IUD
emergency postcoital contraception education
taken within 72 hours of unprotected coitus
will not start menstrual flow and may have spotting
do not make this a routine
a side effect is a nausea
elective termination of pregnancy reasons
threatens the persons life due to health conditions
involves a fetus with a chromosomal effect
is unwanted because of rape or incest
the person does not want a child in their life at this time
medically induced termination medications
mifepristone is a progesteron antagonist
methotrexate or misoprostol
medically induced pregnancy contraindications
a confirmed or suspected ectopic pregnancy
an IUD
a serious medical condition such as chronic renal failure
a history of long-term steroid therapy
an allergy to medication used
a hemorrhagic disorder or currently taking anticoagulant therapy