Molecular Biology Flashcards
single stranded RNA molecules of 21 to 23 nucleotides that can regulate gene transcription and translation
Michaelis Menten equation
V= (Vmax * S)/km+S
S= substrate concentration
V = rate of reaction (enzyme productivity)
km = constant
Vmax = constant
The Michaelis Menten constant which shows the concentration of the substrate when the reaction velocity is equal to one half of the maximal velocity of the reaction.
messenger RNA
Brings the info from the DNA to the ribosome.
It is the long chain that forms after the DNA splits.
Ends with AAAA chain.
forms the ribosome in the nucleolus which are the physical and chemical structures on which protein molecules are actually assembled
Brings the amino acid to the appropriate spot on the mRNA chain to form the protein.
segment of DNA or RNA that contains a coding sequence for the protein.
segment of DNA or RNA that has no code for the protein. Interrupts the sequence of genes and gets thrown out.
Adenine and Thymine
makes two hydrogen bonds
Guanine and Cytosine
makes three hydrogen bonds
3’ vs 5’
3 end has the third carbon available for bonding, 5 end has the fifth carbon available for bonding.
frame shift mutation
the codon gets shifted by one letter and all the rest of the codons are wrong.
alternate splicing
- a single gene can code for multiple different proteins
- leaving out some exons
Start codon
Stop codon
single nucleotide polymorphism
reads one codon incorrectly, but remainder of amino acid is unaffected
signal recognition peptide
Protein is unable to be built with an SRP bound to it until it gets docked onto the RER.
pulls the RNA polymerase to the right place to start near the TATA box by connecting with the mediator
TATA box
Where the RNA polymerase starts because the bonds are easier to break with only two hydrogen bonds
- decreases ability of activator to pull in the RNA polymerase
- block the activator binding site
- bind to the activator so the activator can’t bind to the polymerase
- bind to something else and put that something else on the TATA box

part of the RNA polymerase that connects to the activator and therefore places the polymerase in the right spot near the TATA box
Regulation of the Cell cycle
- G0 - cell is at rest (not replicating, just doing its job)
- G1 - Should we be replicating?
- S - Did cell replicate correctly?
- G2 - Is cell correct size with all appropriate organelles?
- M - mitosis (cell division)
Stages of mitosis
- mitosis - splitting up
- Pass me another tequila
- prophase- centrioles duplicate and move to opposite sides
- metaphase- DNA line up
- anaphase- DNA pulled apart
- telophase- separate sacks
- Pass me another tequila
- lipohophillic
- go directly to receptor on nucleus and upregulate or downregulate protein production