Module 6 - Female Reproductive System Part 2 Flashcards
Vulva components (7)
1) Mons pubis
2) Vestibule
3) Labia majora
4) Labia minora
5) Clitoris
6) Prepuce
7) Orifices - urethra and vaginal
Mons pubis (2)
1) Fat pad located in front of the pubic symphysis
2) Covered with hair after puberty
Labia Majora (2)
1) Outer fold of skin
2) Posterior/inferior to mons pubis
Clitoris and Prepuce (2)
1) Clitoris - anterior end of the labia majora
2) Prepuce (hood) - Covers the clitoris
Labia Minora (2)
1) Inner fold of skin
2) Surrounded by labia majora
Surrounds the urethral and vaginal orifices
Mammary Glands (3)
1) Each contains 12-24 lobules
2) Each contains its own mammary duct
3) Duct begins at the nipple and divides into other ducts ending in sacs called alveoli
a) Alveoli are made up of cells that produce milk
b) In a non-lactating breast, ducts outnumber alveoli
Mammary gland breast milk production (4)
1) During pregnancy milk is not produced due to production of estrogen and progesterone
a) Suppresses prolactin
2) Prolactin is needed for lactation
3) Milk production begins a few days after delivery
4) Colostrum
a) Prior to milk production, breasts produce watery, protein rich fluid
Oogenesis (4)
1) Production of eggs in the ovaries
2) Occurs during fetal development; complete by birth
3) Menarche - beginning of reproductive lifetime at first menstruation
4) Menopause - end of reproductive lifetime (about 50th year of life)
Mitosis vs. Meiosis (2)
1) Mitosis
a) Cells grow and divide into two identical cells
b) Each daughter cells contain 46 chromosomes
2) Meiosis (only in sex cells)
a) Cells divide into 4 cells
b) Each daughter cells contain 23 chromosomes
c) Daughter cells are genetically unique
Oogenesis process - pre-fertilization
1) Primary oocyte undergoes first meiotic division into two daughter cells
a) Secondary oocyte
b) First polar body
2) Polar bodies are produced so that chromosomes divide properly, but “donate” all their cytoplasm from the polar body to the secondary body if fertilization occurs
Oogenesis process - fertilization (3)
1) Secondary oocyte - if fertilized
a) Second meiotic division occurs
b) Produces an ovum with 23 chromosomes
c) Second polar body
2) Sperm and ovum combine to form zygote with 46 chromsomes
3) Females produce about 2-3 polar bodies to one viable gamete (ovume) with 23 chromosomes
Oogenesis picture (memorize)
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) (2)
1) Secreted by anterior pituitary at beginning of puberty
2) Causes a few follicles to mature each month
LH (Leutinizing Hormone) (3)
1) Secreted by anterior pituitary around ovulation
2) Causes follicle to release the oocyte
3) Helps development of the CORPUS LUTEUM
a) Necessary for maintaining pregnancy
Estrogen (3)
1) Produced in the ovaries
2) Responsible for maintenance of menstrual cycle
3) Development of secondary sex characteristics
a) Enlarged breast tissue
b) Widening of pelvis
c) Fat deposits in hips and buttocks
Progesterone (3)
1) Produced in the ovaries and the placenta during pregnancy
2) necessary for maintenance of pregnancy
3) Does not promote secondary sexual development
Menstrual cycle phases (3)
1) Menstrual phase - day 1-6
a) Innermost basal layer of endometrium is shed
2) Proliferative phase - 6-14
a) Endometrium rebuilds in response to increasing estrogen
b) Ovulation takes place day 14
3) Secretory phase - 15-28
a) Corpus luteum begins to secrete progesterone, preparing uterus for implantation
b) If no fertilization, corpus luteum dies and menstrual cycle begins again
Menstrual phase graphic (memorize)