Module 3: Nervous System - Olfactory and Gustatory Systems Flashcards
Olfaction (2)
1) One of the chemical senses
2) Olfactory receptors
a) Activated by airborne chemical substances dissolved in fluid from mucous membranes
Olfactory nerves (CN 1) (2)
1) Bipolar cells
2) Found in olfactory epithelium
Olfaction process (3)
1) Olfactory nerves (CN I)
a) Travels through ethmoid bone at cribriform plate
2) Olfactory bulbs
a) Dendrites terminate here
b) Masses of gray matter
c) Synapse with other neurons in the pathway
3) Olfactory tracts
a) Carry information to the temporal lobes
Smell definition and categories
1) Combination of a limited number of primary odors detectable by the brain
a) Flora
b) Ethereal (dry cleaning fluid)
c) Camphorates (mothball)
d) Musky (perfumes)
e) Peppermint
f) Pungent (Vinegar)
g) Putrid (Rotten eggs)
Loss of smell
a) Traumatic Brain Injury (any damage to olfaction pathway)
b) Temporary or permanent
c) Gradual or sudden (ex. of gradual would be a tumor)
Gustatory System (Taste) (2)
1) Chemical sense
2) Activated by chemical substances dissolved in saliva
Tongue (3)
1) Grips food, helps to reposition food in the teeth, forms a bolus of compact food
2) Assists in swallowing
3) Tongue Anatomy
a) Apex (part that can stick out)
b) Root
c) Frenulum (connects underneath)
d) Papillae
Tongue Papillae (2)
1) Raised bumps on the tongue
2) Three types
a) Circumvallate (taste buds)
b) Fungiform (taste buds - hot air balloon shape)
c) Filiform (filaments)
Taste buds (2)
1) Contain chemical receptors stimulated by chemicals in food
2) Found on the tongue, surface of the mouth, wall of the pharynx
Gustatory Cells (2)
1) Gustatory cells
a) Chemoreceptor cells
b) Terminates in a gustatory hair which projects into the saliva
2) Supporting cells
a) Form bulk of the taste bud
b) Separate the taste receptor cells from each other
c) Help maintain gustatory cells
Basal cells (2)
1) Stem cells
2) Divide and differentiate into new support cells, then to new gustatory cells
Other gustatory receptors in mouth (3)
1) Nociceptors
a) Pain receptors
2) Thermoreceptors
b) Temperature receptors
3) Both temperature and spice also impact how taste is perceived by brain
Taste Pathway (Mouth) (2)
1) Food chemicals contact gustatory hairs
2) Generate action potential in dendrites wrapped around gustatory cells
Taste Pathway (Nerves and brain) (4)
1) Facial nerve
a) Taste from anterior 2/3 of the tongue
2) Glossopharyngeal nerve
b) Taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue
3) Thalamus
4) Parietal lobe
5 Primary Tastes
1) Sweet - sugars and amino acids
2) Salty - metal salts, especially NaCl
3) Sour - acids like acetic acid (in vinegar)
4) Bitter - drugs like aspirin
5) Savory - certain amino acids and found in fish, ripe tomatoes, aged cheeses and soy sauce
1) Loss of taste (anything impacting gustatory pathway)
a) TBI
b) Brain tumor
2) Also impacted by loss of smell
a) Nasal congestion