Module 4: Anatomy of the Heart and Vessels Flashcards
Cardiovascular System (3)
1) Closed Circulatory System
a) Fluid contents are pumped from the heart throughout the body and then back to the heart
2) Cardio = heart
3) Vascular = vessels
Cardiovascular System functions (3)
1) Transportation
a) Gases, nutrients, wastes
2) Prevents loss of blood from ruptured vessels
3) Helps fight off pathogens with circulating cells
Heart location (2)
1) Pericardial cavity:
a) Anterior of the mediastinum
2) Between the pleural cavities
Heart layers (3)
1) Pericardium (tough outer layer)
a) Protects the heart, anchors to the diaphragm
b) Endothelium with lubricating fluid
2) Myocardium
a) Cardiac muscle
b) Contractile layer
3) Endocardium
a) Continuous with blood vessel linings
Heart chambers (3)
1) Septum
a) Separates left and right
2) 2 Atria
a) Upper receiving chambers
b) Smaller, thinner
3) 2 Ventricles
a) Lower, sending chambers
b) Larger, thicker
Fossa Ovalis (3)
1) Place of opening between the atria in developing fetuses
2) Allows fetal blood to move directly between the atrium, bypassing the lungs
3) Closes during birth
View of interior of heart (memorize)
Valves (2)
1) Regulate the flow of blood through the heart
a) One way
2) Pulmonary valve
a) Leaving RV (Right ventricle) into pulmonary trunk
Aortic valve (2)
1) Leaving left ventricle (LV) into aorta
2) Stronger because of increased pressure from left ventricle
Tricuspid valve
From Right Atrium into Right Ventricle
Mitral valve (bicuspid)
1) From Left Atrium into Left Ventricle
Superior view of the valves (memorize)
Bloodflow Through The Heart Pathway (6)
1) Right atrium through tricuspid valve
2) Right ventricle through pulmonary valve
3) Pulmonary trunk - pulmonary arteries
4) Lungs - Pulmonary veins to left atrium
5) Bicuspid valve to left ventricle
6) Aortic valve to the aorta to the body
Anatomy of the Vessels - Components (5)
1) Arteries
2) Arterioles (smaller arteries)
3) Capillaries (gas exchanges)
4) Venules (small veins)
5) Veins
Arteries (4)
1) Carry blood away from the heart
2) Elastic, thick walled
3) Larger arteries expand and recoil to help the heart pump blood through the body
4) Palpable pulses
Arterioles (4)
1) Small arteries
2) Constricted and dilated by muscles controlled by the autonomic nervous system
3) Contraction: increased blood pressure
4) Relaxation: dilates, decreases blood pressure
Arterioles and Peripheral Resistance
1) Variation in blood pressure
2) Depends on the external and internal conditions of the body
Veins (5)
1) Thinner walled
2) No pulse
3) Compliance
a) Stretch with little to no recoil
4) Store largest amount of blood
5) Contain valves that open toward the heart
Opening of vessels (arteries and veins)
Tunica externa (2)
1) Superficial layer
2) Anchors vessels to surrounding structures
Tunica media (3)
1) External elastic membrane
2) Middle smooth muscle
3) Inner elastic membrane
Tunica intima (2)
1) Subendothelial layer
2) Endothelium
Capillaries (3)
1) Formed from narrow tubes of arterioles and venules
2) Ultra thin
3) Interconnected to form capillary beds
a) Perform the exchange of materials
Blood supply to the heart itself (2)
1) Right and Left Coronary Arteries
a) Arise from the base of the aorta
2) Supply oxygen to the heart tissue itself
Left Coronary Artery (2)
1) Left side of the heart
2) Branches
a) Anterior interventricular branch
b) Circumflex branch
Right Coronary Artery (2)
1) Right side of the heart
2) Branches
a) Marginal artery
b) Posterior interventricular artery
Systemic Blood Flow (to the body) (4)
1) Aorta
2) Aortic Arch
3) Descending aorta
a) Thoracic aorta (above diaphragm)
b) Abdominal aorta (below diaphragm)
4) Many branches throughout to supply body tissues
Venus Blood flow (3) (gathering de-oxygenated blood)
1) Inferior Vena Cava - from lower body
2) Superior Vena Cava - from upper body
3) Returned to Right Atrium
Brachiocephalic trunk (2)
1) First branch off aorta
2) Supples blood to right arm and neck
Left Common Carotid
Second branch off Aortic Arch
Right Common Carotid
Branch off Brachiocephalic Trunk
Left Subclavian Artery
Third branch off Aortic Arch
Right Subclavian Artery
Branch off Brachiocephalic Trunk
Vein characteristics (Major Blood Vessels) (5)
1) Return blood from different parts of the body
2) Become larger and larger
3) Usually parallel the named artery
4) Into Superior or Inferior Vena Cava
5) Right Atrium
Anterior view of heart with major branches (memorize)
Circle of Willis (3)
1) Blood supply to the brain
2) The Cerebral Arterial Circle
3) Provides alternate circulation to the brain in case one of the arteries becomes blocked
Circle of Willis components (6)
1) Vertebral arteries
a) Rise along the sides of the spinal cord
b) Join to form Basilar artery
2) Posterior Cerebral arteries
3) Internal carotid arteries terminate in the left and right middle cerebral arteries
4) Anterior cerebral arteries
a) Branches off the middle cerebral arteries
5) Posterior communicating arteries
a) Connects the internal carotid to the posterior cerebral artery
6) Anterior communicating arteries
a) Connects anterior cerebral arteries
Circle of Willis graphic (Memorize)