Module 5 Vocab Flashcards
Absence of breathing
When the anterior-posterior diameter of the chest is equal to the transverse diameter of the chest; often seen in persons with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
barrel chest
A slow respiratory rate (less than 12 breaths per minute in an adult)
Breath sounds of a harsh or blowing quality; normally heard only over the trachea or immediately adjacent to the upper sternum in adults
bronchial breath sounds
An abnormal transmission of sounds from the lungs; increase in the intensity and clarity of vocal sounds auscultated through the stethoscope; results from an increase in lung tissue density such as seen in pneumonia or the presence of a tumor
Breath sounds normally heard in the posterior chest between the scapulae and in the center part of the anterior chest in the adult; softer than bronchial sounds; about equal during inspiration and expiration
bronchovesicular breath sounds
Fine high-pitched or coarse low-pitched popping sounds that are short and discontinuous; abnormal (adventitious) sounds that may be heard in pneumonia, heart failure, atelectasis, emphysema
A sound or feel that resembles the crackling noise heard when rubbing hair between the fingers; associated with gas gangrene, rubbing of bone fragments, air in superficial tissues; a clicking sound often heard in movement of joints, for example, in temporomandibular joint resulting from joint irregularities
A bluish discoloration of the skin, lips, mucus membranes and and/or nails
Difficult breathing; AKA shortness of breath (SOB)
A modification of the vocal sounds heard on auscultation the chest; when the patient is asked to make “ee” sounds, they are heard over the peripheral chest wall as “a”; heard with pleural effusion or pneumonia as h
Coughing up blood or blood-stained sputum
An exaggerated deep, rapid, or labored respiration
Booming sound; expected percussion tone over the lungs of a person with emphysema
Difficulty in breathing when lying flat