Module 4B: Axial Muscles Flashcards
How many muscles are in the neck?
What muscle is in the neck?
What is the OIA of the sternocleidomastoid
O: Clavicle, Sternum (from manubrium)
I: Mastoid process of the temporal bone
- lateral flexion of head and neck L or R
- Head rotation
- neck flexion (chin to chest)
How many muscles are in the trunk?
What are the muscles in the trunk?
- Iliocostalis (thoracic & lumbar)
- Longissium (thoracic & lumbar)
- Spinalis (thoracic & lumbar)
- Quadratus lumborum
What is the Origin and Insertion of the iliocostails, Longissium and Spinalis?
O: iliac crest, sacrum, lumbar and lower thoracic spinous process
I: ribs, transverse/spinous process of cervical/thoracic vertebrae
What is another name for the trunk muscles?
Erector spinae muscle group
What does pars thoracic entail?
these muscles have the greatest mechanical advantage due to having the longest moment arms
What does pars lumborum entail?
muscles can resist the forward movement of the trunk when we tip forward
What is the Origin and Insertion of the Quadratus lumborum?
O: iliac crest
I: inferior border of rib 12, L1-L4
Where is the Quadratus lumborum found?
deep to abdominal and erector spinae muscles
How many thorax muscles are there?
What are the muscles that make up the thorax?
- External intercostals
- Internal intercostals
- Innermost intercostals
- Diaphram
What is the Origin and Insertion of the External intercostals?
O: rib above (superior)
I: rib below (inferior)
What is the Origin and Insertion of the Internal intercostals?
O: rib above (superior)
I: rib below (inferior)