Appendicular Skeleton Upper Flashcards
How many bones are there in the appendicular skeleton?
What makes up the pectoral/shoulder girdle?
- clavicle/collarbone
- scapula/shoulder blade
What does the shoulder girdle do?
- provides attachment for upper limbs
- provides muscle attachment
True of False
The scapula does NOT connect to the vertebral column?
What are the 8 bones in the right upper limb?
- clavicle
- scapula
- humerus
- radius
- ulna
- carpals
- metacarpals
- phalanges
Where does the clavicle attach?
- attaches to manubrium
and scapula
What view can we see clavicle attachment the best?
anterior view
What view can we best see the “S” shape in the clavicle?
superior view
What are the ends of the clavicle called?
- sternal end/medial end
(connects to sternum, the manubrium) (quadrangular in shape) - acromial end/lateral end
(connects to the acromion in the scapula) (flatter in shape)
clavicle is divided in how many parts?
Where is the weakest part of the clavicle?
- when it changes direction
- medial 2/3 and lateral 1/3
What are the landmarks of the clavicle?
- conoid tubercle
- attachement point for the coroclavicular ligament
- found on the inferior lateral end of the clavicle - Trapezoid line
- found on the inferior lateral end of the clavicle - impression for the costoclavicular ligament
- found on the inferior medial end of the clavicle
The scapula articulates with the humerus at what joint?
glenohumeral joint
The scapula articulates with the clavicle at what joint?
acromioclavicular joint
What are the categories of things found in the scapula and how many?
- 2 joints
- 3 processes
- 2 angles
- 3 borders
- 3 fossa
- 1 notch
- 1 cavity
- 2 tubercles
What can we see on the scapula from the anterior point of view? (11)
- acromion process
- coracoid process
- superior angle
- inferior angle
- lateral/axillary border
- superior border
- medial/vertebral border
- subscapular fossa
- scapular notch
- glenoid cavity
- infraglenoid tubercle
True or False
The subscapular fossa makes up majority of the anterior scapula?
What can we see on the scapula from the lateral point of view? (2 new, 2 clear, 4 old)
- spine
- supraglenoid tubercle
- lateral/axillary border
- glenoid cavity
- infraglenoid tubercle
- inferior angle
- coracoid process
- acromion process
What can we see on the scapula from the posterior point of view?
- all three process
- both angles
- 3 borders
- 2 fossa: supraspinous process and infraspinous process
- glenoid cavity