Module 40 (Social Psychology) Flashcards
Social Psychology
the study of social interactions
people’s explanation for why events or actions occur
Internal attribution
when we tend to look at the characteristics or the character of a person to judge their behavior
Situational Attribution
-when we make judgments about behaviors based on the occurring situation
-Behavior due to external factors factors rather than internal
Fundamental Attribution Error
the tendency to overemphasize traits and underestimate situational factors when explaining another’s behavior
Action-observer bias
-tendency to attribute one’s own behavior to situational factors
-Actor attributes behavior to the situation, observer attributes behavior to the disposition of the actor
Self-serving bias
tendency to take personal credit for success but blame external causes for failure
Difference of attributions example
-Internal attribution: “if you work hard, you can get ahead”
-External attribution: “poverty is typically result of structural inequities”
-Internal vs external attributions can dictate which group is more likely to support legislation (such as one aimed at supporting people in poverty)
Social Identity Theory
group membership is an important part of how we view ourselves
groups we belong to
Ingroup favoritism
-favoring those who are part of one’s own ingroup rather than those who are not
-Can be impacted by viewing outgroup members as less varied than ingroup members (ex. white vs asians)
groups we do not belong to
Minimal group paradigm
-studies how social categorization impacts ingroup relations
-Even arbitrary distinctions, such as color of shirts, can trigger a tendency to favor one’s own group at expense of others, even sacrificing absolute ingroup gain
Ultimate Attribution Error
cognitive bias that occurs when people attribute negative behaviors to outgroup and positive behaviors to ingroup
Ultimate Attribution Error example
-Ingroup members receive little blame for negative actions, while outgroup members receive little credit for positive actions
-Ingroup success is seen as due to internal attributions, while outgroup success is seen due to external attributions
-Ingroup failure is seen due to external attributions, while outgroup failure is seen due to internal attributions
How groups affect behavior
deindividuation, groupthink, social facilitation, social loafing
-a psychological state where people lose their sense of self and personal responsibility when they are part of a group or crowd
-Causes lower self-awareness, less attention to personal standards, anonymity, low accountability, heightened arousal
-Crowds, riots, concerts, sporting events
-occurs when a group prioritizes group consensus over critical thinking when making decisions
-Occurs typically under intense pressure (external threats, strong opinions initially expressed from group leader)
Social facilitation
-the presence of other people changes performance
-Well-learned tasks are enhanced while poorly-learned tasks are impaired
ex.) in front of people, you may ride a bike well (well-learned task), but you may do worse than usual when riding a unicycle (poorly-learned task)
Social loafing
-tendency for people to work less hard in a group than when working alone
-ex.) group members ins a group project often do not work as hard as they might if they were working alone