Module 22 (Operant Conditioning) Flashcards
Operant Conditioning
the consequences of behavior (rewards and punishments) influence the probability of the behavior increasing or decreasing in the future
any consequence to an action that strengthens the action (increases frequency, making it more likely to occur in the future)
Positive reinforcer
a pleasant stimulus presented after a response that increases the probability of response happening again
Negative reinforcer
removal of an unpleasant stimulus presented after a response that increases probability of response happening again
any consequence to an action that weakens the action (decreases frequency, making it less likely to occur in the future)
Positive punishment
an unpleasant stimulus presented after a response that decreases the probability of that response happening again
Negative punishment
removal of a pleasant stimulus that decreases the probability of that response happening again
Continuous reinforcement
-reinforcement schedule in which all correct responses are reinforced
-Often employed when shaping behavior
-Produces fast learning, but also quick extinction when reinforcement stops
Partial reinforcement
-schedule in which some but not all correct responses are reinforced
-Learning emerges more slowly, but there is much greater resistance to extinction than continuous reinforcement
Fixed Ratio Reinforcement
every so many: reinforcement after a specified number of behavior
ex.) buy 10 coffees, get 1 free
Variable ratio reinforcement
after an unpredictable many: reinforcement after a variable number of behaviors
ex.) slot machines
Fixed interval reinforcement
every so often: reinforcement for behavior after a fixed time
ex.) tuesday discounts
Variable interval reinforcement
unpredictably often: reinforcement for behavior after a random amount of time
ex.) checking phone for messages
Challenges with punishment
-Behavior often reappears when threat of punishment is removed
Threat of punishment is suppressed, not forgotten
-Children may simply learn that behavior is okay now but not elsewhere
ex.) cursing when parents aren’t around
-May inhibit learning new/better responses
-May teach fear (generalization to the parent/punisher as well as the behavior)
-Rewards may overpower punishment
-May teach the use of aggression
How punishment can be effective
punishment must be reasonable, unpleasant, and immediate so the relationship between the punishment and the unwanted behavior is clear
Differences between classical and operant conditioning
-Classical conditioning involves the association of two stimuli (UCS and CS) before the response or behavior
-Operant conditioning involves associating a behavior with what comes after: a particular consequence (reward or punishment)
-OC encourages new behavior, while CC emphasizes old responses to new stimuli
-Classical is involuntary, Operant is voluntary