Module 2&3 Flashcards
the scientific study of behavior and mental
something that is directly observable
Basic Research
is pure science that aims to increase
the scientific knowledge base
Applied research
the scientific study that aims to solve
practical problems
Wilhelmina wundt
Father of psychology
The opening of the lab in 1879 is considered the
beginning of the field of psychology
Edward titchener
Founder of structuralism
First major school of thought in psychology
Theory that structure of conscious experience could be understood by analyzing basic elements of thoughts and sensations
Didnt proove to be very reliable died out
William james
First American psychologist and was the founder of functionalism
Theory emphasized the functions of consciousness or ways consciousness helps people adapt to their environment
Sigmund Freud
Is the founder of psychoanalysis, contorversial theory about workings of the uncioncious mind. Believed that abnormal behavior originated from unconscious drives and conflicts
Freud theory of personality, attempts to provide insights into thoughts and actions by exposing and interpreting the underlying unconscious motives and conflicts
Freud influence
Influential in pop culture, psychodynamic theory, unconscious thoughts and significance of childhood experiences
Ivan Pavlov
Discovered classical conditioning, studied through snimals. Fueled move in psychology towards an interest in observable behaviors and away from self examination of inner ideas and experiences
Classical conditioning
Behavior can be manipulated to react to a conditioned stimulus
Automatic responses caused by stimulus in environment
Describe conditioned unconditioned stimulus and reflex response in Ivan’s experiment
Reflex is dog salivating unconditioned is food conditioned is bell
John watson
Founder of behaviorism, , theory of psychology should restrict its efforts to studying observable behaviors not mental process
Little albert
Famous and controversial study from John Watson to demonstrate classical conditioning in humans. Outcome was that humans can be conditioned
Theory that psychology should only study pbservable behaviors not mental process
Bf skimmer
American behavioral psychologist who developed fundamental principles and techniques of operant conditioning , influence was behaviorism focuses onclearnimg through rewards and observation
A child touches a hot stove and feels pain. This unpleasant outcome makes the child less likely
to touch the stove in the future
Positive punishment
- A student studies hard to avoid a bad grade. The unpleasant prospect of failure is removed by
studying, making the student more likely to study again
Negative reinforcement
A teenager is grounded (loss of freedom) for breaking curfew. This removal of privilege
decreases the likelihood of breaking curfew again
Negative punishment
dog sits on command and gets a treat. This makes the dog more likely to sit on command in
the future because it associates sitting with getting a reward.
Positive reinforcement
Humanistic psychology
Perspective that focuses on study of conscious experience , stresses study of conscious experience and an individuals free will
Abraham Maslow
Humanistic psychologist who proposed hierarchy of needs
Jean Piaget
Pioneer in study of developmental psychology who introduced a stage theory of cognitive development that led to better understanding of children thought process
Kenneth and mamie Philips clark
Their work was used in brown vs board of education and overturned segregation in schools
Cognitive persepctive
School of thought that focuses on how people think, take in process store, retrieve information
Biological perspective
School of thought that focuses on the psysicsl structures and substance underlying a particular behavior thought or motion
Social cultural persoective
School of thought that focuses on how thinking or behavior changes in difference situations as a result of cultural influences
Humanistic perspective
How healthy people strive to reach their full potential
Psychodynamic perspectice
How behavior is affected by unconscious drives and conflicts
Behavior genetics
is the school of through that focuses
on how much our genes and our environment influence
our individual differences
Evolutionary psychology
Focuses on principles of natural selection to study the roots of behavior and mental processes
Positive psychology
Study of optimal human functioning and factors that allow individuals and communities to thrive
Confirmation bias
Tendency to search info to “proove I’m right”
Participant bias
Tendency of research participants to behave in s certain way cuz they know they’re being watched and what watcher wants
Naturalistic observstiom
Observing recording in naturally occurring situation no manipulating the situation
Case study
Research technique which one person studied in depth to reveal universal principles
Positive correlation
One value increase so does the other
Negative correlation
One variable increases the other decreases
Survey method
Research technique that questions a sample of people to collect info about their attitudes or behaviors
Random sample
Each member of population has equal chance to being included
Longitudinal study
Is a research technique that follows the same group of individuals over a long period
Cross sectional
Compares individuals from different age groups and one time
Research method which researcher manipulates and controls certain variables to observe effects on other variables
Operational definitions
Explanation of exact procedures used to make a variable specific and measureablefor research purposes
Random assignment
Procedure for creating group allowing researcher to control for indepividusl differences among research participants
Blind procedure
Participants don’t know outcome
Double blind procedure
Data collectors and participants don’t know outcomes
Informed consent
Participants must be informed about general nature of research and risk
Right to necprotected from harm and discomfort
May be conducted under certain circumstances
Right of confidentiality
Individual data about the research participants should never be discussed or released
Right to debreifing
Participants have a right of recievimg a complete explanation of the research