Module 1 Slide Notes Flashcards
Describe the origin of these words and define. Understand the difference between class and category. Learn the basic classification systems used for this course.
Fields of pharmacology
Molecular, toxicology, clinical.
Molecular pharmacologists
Design drugs on a molecular level
Study of toxic or poisonous drug effects
Clinical pharmacology
The testing and therapeutic use of drugs.
Sub specialties include: neuropharmocology, cardiovascular pharmacology, etc.
Any biologically active substance
A drug administered deliberately for prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of a condition or malady.
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification system
ATC system defined
Used for classification of drugs. Published in 1976 by WHOCC. It divides drugs into groups according to the organ/system that they act upon.
Unites States Pharmacopeia. Classification model which organizes drugs into a hierarchy of 41 therapeutic categories. This is then broken into 146 classes.
Which classification system does this class use?
Simplified USP model with “basic” categories.
Three general uses of drugs
Treat, diagnose, and prevent disease.
Use of antibiotics
Bacterial infections
Use of analgesics
Control of pain
Use of hormones (as a medicine)
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Examples of preventative uses of drugs
Vaccinations, immunizations
Natural source drugs
Those derived from plant/animal sources
Digitalis (lanoxin)
Derived from the foxglove plant. Used in cases of heart failure to increase contractions of the heart.
Scopolamine and atropine
Derived from the belladonna plant. Used by Italian women to dilate the eyes.
used for motion sickness prevention
Alexander Flemming
Developed penicillin
Natural source. Comes from ephedra species of plant, used as a bronchodilator and decongestant.
Galantamine (Reminyl)
Natural source. New drug derived from daffodil bulbs. Used to treat Alzheimer’s disease.