mnsr 41 Flashcards
the female genital system develops from — which is found in both sexes
the — eventually degenerates in females and — degenerates in males
- mullerian/ paramesonephric ducts
- wolliferian/mesoneprhic
- mullerian degenerates in males
the two ovaries are located in — below the – and are 3cm long .
they are held by —
Lowe abdominal cavity below the kidney held by 2 ligaments ( round and ovarian ligaments )
—- ligament is attached to the ovary inferiorly and connect ovary to side of the uterus . its also a fibrous band of tissue that lies in the broad ligament
ovarian ligament
— originates from uterine horns the points at follapian tubes enter the uterus and attaches to labia majora via inguiutal canal
round ligament
the ova is released into the — and picked up by —- at the end if the —-
abdominal cavity , funnels , fallopian tubes
the ova is usually fertilised in —- and these tubes are — and in turn enter the — which is a site of implantation of the —-
- upper part of the fallopian tube
- these tubes are ciliated on the luminal side
- enter the uterus
- site of morula which is a solid ball of cells resulting from division of fertilised ovum from which the blastula is formed
the pear-shaped uterus in human is — but most mammals are —–
- simple ( simplex )
- bipartite or biconuate
the uterus ends at the ring-like — which extends into the —
cervix , vagina
— is a 7cm long lies in the lower peritoneal cavity behind the bladder
the uterus is held by series of — which are —
- suspensory , ovarian , broad
( check slide 9)
the uterus is covered on the outside by thin — which is continuous with —
perimetrium , mesothelium
the inside of the uterus is a thick muscular — of smooth muscle
the — of the uterus forms the glandular inner layer richly supplied blood vessels a —- which lies in the lumen
endometrium , simple columnar epithelium
( CHECK SLIDE 10,11 )
true or false:
the lining of the vagina composed od simple squamous epithelium
stratified squamous epithelium resting at the baseman membrane
the vagina has — of elastic connective tissue and numerous — and an outer —- if mostly —-
- lamina propia
- blood vessels
- musularis
- smooth muscle
( check structure on slide 12)
the – serves as a receptacle of sperm and a birth canal and is the terminal portion of the Müllerian duct
the external gentilia or — of the females are despite appearance homologous ( similar ) to the male structure
vulva or pudendum
in early fatal development in both sexes despite the chromosomal sex determination , a sexually indefrinate stage with —–
1- genital tubercle
2- urogenital sinus
3- 2 folds
( check structure )
the genital tubercule in males extend to become —
the urigental sinus – along its base and folds join to from the —-
the scortal or perineal raphe ( midline of scortum ) mark the —– to form the scortal sac
- penis
- closes
- scortal sac
- ## position of closure
the genital tubercle in females is —- and the urgiental sinus forms —- and —- while the genital folds are — remains — as the outer and inner folds making the —-
- clitoris ( the erictle tissue )
- vaginal and urerthral orifeces
- labiascortal swelling
- labia minoria and labia majora
( check slide 16 )
the females — are compared to the —- in males and void into vestibular of external gentialia
barthion glands ( bulbo-urethral ) similar to cowpers glands
the – is covered with single layer of cuboidal epithelial cells continue with mesothelium called — which doesn’t produce ova
ovary , germinal epithelium
prior to birth this becomes separated from the body of the ovary or stoma by a connective tissue layer called —
tunica albugenia
in early fatal life the germ cells migrate into the — from the — forming the — containing —-
genital ridge , yolk sac , primordial follicles containg oogonia
— is a diploid cell formed in large number by mitosis develops in humans between — and is present in foetus between –
oogina , 4 and 8 weeks , 5 and 30 weeks
in early fatal ovaries the oogina divides — until just before birth unlike the males spermatogenesis begins at –
- mitotically
- puberty
primordial follicles = — and is surrounded by thin single layer of so-called —
oogina , follicular epithelial cells
( check slide 19 )
at — the ovaries contain full compliment of —
the primordial follicles contain — arrested at — of the – in the —- division
there are 500,00 to 1 million follicles present at birth
large number of follicles will — throughout the life
- birth
-follicles - primary oocyte
- diplotene
- prophase
- first miotic divison
- degenerate ( atresia )
at — under the influence of —– gametes production —
the priodermial follicles may complete — during a woman’s lifetime
while up to — may be activated at each ovarian cycle only – will reach full maturity
one a cyclical basis every – days a pridomrinal follicle containing a — starts to — and undergoes —-
- puberty
- LH , FSH
- recommences
- oogenesis
- 20 follicles
- only one
- 28 days
- primary oocytes
- enlarge and undergoes development
( check slide 22)
— begins to secrete follicular fluid which accumulates in —- developing within the granusloa later and it continuous to grow and its now called —
gradually the fluid cavities will coalesce to form a fluid filled – within the follicle
- granusla cells
- follicular cavities
- secondary follicle
- antrum
after 2 weeks the ovary contains mature — which eventually buldges on the ovarian surface
three cellular layers are seen surrounding the antrum which are:
the — is on the buldge of membrane granulosa cells in the atrium called —
- Graafian follicle
1- membrane gransula
2- theca interna ( vascular layer of oestrogen secreting cells )
3- theca externa ( outer layer of stromal cells and collagen fibres ) - oocyte , cumulus oophours
— the release of the secondary oocyte from the ovary
the remaining cavity forms – which begins secreting hormones in preparation for —-
in the absence of pregnancy the corpus lutem degenerates after —
- ovulation
- corpus lutem , pregancy
- 10 days
in mature Graafian follicles just —- the diploid primary oocyte complete – producing —-
- before ovulation
- meiosis 1
- 2 haploid unequal size
1- first polar body : discarded nuclear material
2- larger cell secondary oocyte receives most cytoplasm , once it forms it begins meiosis II then stops a metaphase
— is a glycoprotein layer appears around oocyte , the cuboidal follicular cells surrounding the oocyte proliferates to from a —
zona pellucida , membrane gransula
— is where gransula cells strongly adhere to the zone pellucida
corna radiata