mans 38 Flashcards
pancreas has —- functions and its located —-
exocrine and endocrine functions ( exo as: secretes digestive juices containg enzymes and bicarbonate ) and endo as: produces 2 major hormones as : insulin and glucagon and are secreted by islets off langrhans which are scattered throughout the exocrine acinar tissue
- located in the abdomen behind the stomach
insulin and glucagon are secreted by — and their cells are arranged in —- and the cords are sepreated by —-
the two main cells found are :
- islets of langrehans
- irregular chains separated by rich blood supply
- alpha and beta cells distinguished by their stains and morphology
– cells secrets insulin and is 80% arranged at the centre
b cells
— cells are prepharlly arranged and they secrete glucagon and is 20%
alpha cells , this increase the glucose level in blood
smaller amount of omega cells (10%) secretes
somastaytin which regulates insulin and glucagon secretion
the glucose levels in our body is regulated by —— and the main target organ of both is —
- insulin and glucagon ( pancreatic hormones )
- liver
diabetes mellitus is when glucose is found in the — which is due to the state of — where blood glucose levels rises over the —- which is 180mg/100ml and lost in urine
- urine
- hyperglycemia
- renal threshold
the effects on an injection of insulin will cause —
rapid loss of blood glucose levels
insulin is a small protein composed of – and has important effects on —
- two peptide of 21 and 30 a.a
- carbohydrate metabolism
-in insulin :
glucose transport is — in the cell membrane and across the body as liver and muscles
- excess glucose is coverted into — and —-
- increased
- glycogen in muscles and liver and fatty acids in liver
— is the process of production of glucose from amino acids and glycerol in the liver is —
glucogenesis , reduced in insulin
— a hormone consist of a single chain protein of 29 amino acids and is synethesised as —
this hormone function is —
- glucagon
- proglucagon which is cleaved by protease enzyme to release active glucagon and signalling proteins
- diametrically opposed of insulin and leads to increase of blood glucose levels
effects of glucagon:
— breakdown is promoted in the liver
glucongenesis ( production of glusose from a.a ) is —-
—- is promoted within the adipose tissue
- glycogen
- increased
- lipolysis ( breakdown of lipids )
glucagon and insulin release is controlled by —
while fasting the blood glucose level is between —–
- glucose level passing through the pancreas
- 70-100mg/100ml in blood
( normal : less than 100mg/dl , high risl 100-125 , diabetes 126 mg/dl )
after a meal the glucose levels starts rising to —- so — is secreted and after a while it’ll be lowered to — so —- will be secreted
- 100mg/100ml , insulin
- 70mg/100ml , glucagon
sources of glucose : —-
stored glucose can be —
utilised glucose can be —
1- dietary intake , glucogenesis , glycogenlysis which is the glycogen breaking down to glucose
2- stored in form of glycogen by glycogensis or fat as lipogenesis
3- production of energy
adrenal gland :
the medulla occupies the — of the gland which forms homogenous well vascularised ruse with irregularly arranged cells often called —-
the cells are modified —-
contain granular — due to many small granules of hormones molecules
there are large number of myelinated fibres of the – which is in contact with medullary cells
- medulla
- chromaffin cells
- postganglionic neurons ( neruoednocine )
- cytoplasm
- sympathetic nervous system
the two hormones secreted from adrenal gland are — and are derived from – also referred to as:
- adrenaline 80% and noradrenaline 20%
- derived from tyrosine like thyroxine
- catecholoamines found in medulla
the release of — causes a fight or flight reaction in mammals which causes :
-adrenaline ( epinephrine )
- sympathetic stimualtion as: bronchodilaton , decreased peristalsis of GIT , increased heart beat , increased flow of blood in brain and muscles , decreased flow to skin and GIT , increased mental alertness , increased lipolysis and glycogenolyisis
-the response of the medulla is very — due to the — intervention
- adrenaline binds and activates —- which causes the effects of :
- very rapid , sympathetic
- alpha and beta adrengenic
- increased cardiac output of b1-adrenoreceptors
- increased lipolysis and glycogenlysis in alpha and beta
- bronchodilator and vasodilation in beta in smooth muscle and skeletal blood vessels
over – sterioid are isolated in — but only — are considered factor and 2 of them are major and 2 are minor and they are divided into — groups
- 30
- cortex
- 4
- 3 groups
the mineracorticdoe is found in — and the major product is —
- glomerulus
- aldesteron
glucocotocdo is found in — and major product is — and minor product is —
- fasiculata
- cortisol ( hydrocortisone )
- minor ( corticosterone )
adronegens produced in — and minor product is —
- reticulis
- androstenedione
the effects of glucocorticode is the stimulation of —- which is then accompanied by —-
another effect is :
net result :
- stimulation of glucogenesis in liver followed by reduction glucose then leading to elevation in blood glucose level
- protein metabolism which promotes breakdown of protein in all cells except liver where they increase and amino acid transport will decrease in muscle but in liver its increased
- increase in blood protein and amino acids levels
the major function of cortisol is — and the major therapeutic functions of cortisol is :
- related to stress due to pain injury o blood loss of fear which cause the release of ACTH followed by the release of cortisol
- decrease in inflammatory repose which treats excema and iv treatment of anaphylaxix
- and allows the person to perform despite the injury
—- accounts for 95% of mineralcorticides activity of the adrenal gland , while corticosterone and cortisol has weak effects
main function is :
- aldosteron
- increase the sodium reabsorption in distal convutaed tubule and collecting ducts and promotes the secretion of k and hydrogen ions
- prevents the loos of Na + by the sweat glands, salivary and colon
aldesterone secretion is controlled by —- when this falls the hormone will be secreted with — and —- also stimulates aldosterone release
- circulating blood volume
- renin-angiotensin system
-small qunatities of male sex hormones as androstenedione are secreted by — in both sexes
- the precursors in the synthesis of both androgens with are —-
- the excert — endogenic activity of its own
effects males in :
effets females in :
- cortex
- testastron and estrogen ( estrone )
- weak
- effect is masked after puberty by more potent testatsron secreted by testis
- androgens will have mild anabolic effect ( aka increase protein synethsis + muscle )
the hypoactivity and glucacoride is insufficient primarily cortisol is called —- and is caused by —– more common in —-
symptoms are—–
- addiosns disease
- autoimmune destruction of cortex due to tuberculosis
- females
- hypertension m increased ACTH which can cause increase in skin pigment MSH will be releases , nausea , hypoglycemias
- replacement therapy with oral synthetic steroid as hydrocortisone
hyperactivity - hyperaldosteronism also known as —- is when —– caused by —– and symptoms are —
-conn’s disease
- increase aldosterone secretion
- tumor within the zone glomersla
- hypertension due to sodium and fluid retention and overstimualtion of renin-angiosyenin system
-weakened muscles due to k dificency
the increased secretion of glucorticode ( cortisol) is —
crushing syndrome which is 4x more common in females 30-40 years
75% of crushing syndrome cases is due to —- and 20% is —- and symptoms are —-
the characteristic of the features are:
- overproduction of ACTH
- adrenal cortical tumor
- hyperglycemias leads to polyuria which is extreme production of urine and polydipsia which is excessive thirst
- muscle loss due to protein usage of glucogenoeiss
- features are: moon face and buffalo hump , protein removal of the bone causes ostepporis , adrenal androgen production may increase body hair in females and if left untreated will be fatal
- treatment” surgical removal of tumor and hormone replacement therapy